Whisper文本处理:文本token包含3类:special tokens(标记tokens)、text tokens(文本tokens)、timestamp tokens(时间戳),基于标记tokens控制文本的开始和结束,基于timestamp tokens让语音时间与文本对其。 仅用通俗易懂的语言描述了下Whisper的原理,如果想更深入的了解,请参考OpenAI官方Whisper论文。 三、Whisper 模型实战 3....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SQV-B83tPU&t=34s AI 字幕 https://github.com/openai/whisper https://huggingface.co/spaces/openai/whisper Adjust_SubTitle:调节 Whisper 转录生成的 srt 文件,避免一句话被分成两行,避免一句话过短 https://github.com/zj1123581321/Adjust_SubTitle?tab=readme-ov-...
当下最可靠美式英语的Speech to text - Whisper 算法 测试样本 Kinky Tricks (1977)tt0194078 Whisper 美式英语 中型模型 1.42版,这个版本是一般普通电脑可以运行最高的 大型模型,需要硬件12G内存以上的计算服务器。 SE自带谷歌翻译,需要谷歌API key支持,我没有申请! 如果支持多种AI翻译,基本上一部英语电影只需要几...
"A soft or confidential tone of voice" is what most people will answer when asked what "whisper" is. Due to the huge hype around ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 this past year, all other OpenAI releases remained out of the spotlight, among which stands the "Whisper" — an automatic speech recogn...
BBBBBOOOOOMMMMM!!! Speechie Is Here! The Ultimate Speech-to-Text Revolution Transform Your Words into Written Magic with Speechie! Speechie is not just an…
AI 驱动的语音转文本扩展,利用 OpenAI 的 Whisper API 在 Web 输入字段中实现高效、准确的转换。 使用Whisper AI 语音转文本 🌐 改变您的浏览方式。我们先进的 Chrome 扩展程序由 OpenAI 的 Whisper API 提供支持,可以轻松地将您的语音转换为任何网站上的文本。只需单击任意文本字段旁边的麦克风图标 🎤 即可开始...
Integrating Whisper Installing FFmpeg Trim Audio in the Code The Frontend Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Speech-to-Text with Whisper, React, and Node In this article, we’ll build a speech-to-text application using OpenAI’s Whisper, along with React, Node.js, and FFmpeg....
--form model=whisper-1 \ --form response_format=text 翻译 API以任何支持的语言作为输入音频文件,并在必要时将音频转录为英语。这与我们的/ Transcriptions端点不同,因为输出不是使用原始输入语言,而是翻译成英语文本。 # Note: you need to be using OpenAI Python v0.27.0 for the code below to work ...
A Speech to Text app is a useful tool that enables you to convert spoken words into written text, making it easier to transcribe voice recordings. With advancements in open AI technology, such apps have become more accurate and efficient, enabling them to transcribe even whispered speech with ...
case when new innovations are released, there are now multiple questions that need answering. This blog aims to answer some of these and think through some of the deeper implications. We’ll develop some more takeaways fromWhisper speech-to-textand point to what it means for future AI ...