Speech emotion recognition implemented in Keras (LSTM, CNN, SVM, MLP) | 语音情感识别 svmcnnlstmmlpopensmilespeech-emotion-recognition UpdatedMar 25, 2023 Python ddlBoJack/emotion2vec Star638 Code Issues Pull requests [ACL 2024] Official PyTorch code for extracting features and training downstream mo...
Speech Emotion Recognition 用SVM、MLP、LSTM 进行语音情感识别。 改进了特征提取方式,识别准确率提高到了 80% 左右。原来的版本的存档在First-Version 分支。 English Document Environment Python 3.6.7 Structure ├── Common_Model.py // 所有模型的通用部分(即所有模型都会继承这个类) ├── ML_Model.py ...
Services is by using the Speech Software Development Kit (bit.ly/2DDTh9I). It supports both speech recognition and speech synthesis, and is available for all major desktop and mobile platforms and most popular languages. It’s well documented and there are numerous code samples on GitHub. ...
2.2 安装SpeechRecognition 安装库SpeechRecognition: #python -m pip install --upgrade pip#pip install 包名 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/#pip install 包名 -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.douban.com#pip install 包名 -i https://pypi.org/simplepipinstallSp...
git clone https://github.com/yeyupiaoling/SpeechEmotionRecognition-Pytorch.git cd SpeechEmotionRecognition-Pytorch/ pip install . 快速使用 在使用时只需要设置--use_ms_model=iic/emotion2vec_plus_base参数和音频路径即可。 python infer.py --audio_path=dataset/test.wav --use_ms_model=iic/emotion2vec...
python test.py --help Output: usage: test.py [-h] [-e EMOTIONS] [-m MODEL] Testing emotion recognition system using your voice, please consider changing the model and/or parameters as you wish. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e EMOTIONS, --emotions ...
To avoid conflicts, it is recommended to setup a new python virtual environment to install these libraries. Once the env is setup, run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies. Instructions to run the code Clone this repository by running git clone git@github.com:Demfier/mu...
zthxxx/python-Speech_Recognition master 2Branches Tags Code README python语音识别项目 python3.5语音识别百度语音API 项目简介 本项目使用 python3.5,包管理使用 pip3.5,用 pyaudio 录音, numpy 计算, scipy 滤波, pylab 绘制波形与频谱。 项目环境 推介在与项目根目录同级目录内通过 virtualenv 建立 python 虚拟...
speechspeech-recognitionspeech-to-textwhisperasr UpdatedAug 21, 2024 Python PaddlePaddle/PaddleSpeech Star11.1k Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Transla...
Speech Recognition (Version 3.8) [Software]. Available from https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition#readme.How to cite this library (Chicago style):Zhang, Anthony. 2017. Speech Recognition (version 3.8).Also check out the Python Baidu Yuyin API, which is based on an older version of ...