Increasing evidence has demonstrated that drug resistance can be acquired in cancer cells by kinase rewiring, which is an obstacle for efficient cancer therapy. However, it is technically challenging to measure the expression of protein kinases on large
Herein, we report that colonization of germ-free (GF) wild type mice with fecal microbiota from individuals with ASD was sufficient to promote core behavioral symptoms in their offspring, relative to those colonized with TD microbiota. We suggest a mechanism of action involving the production of ...
6e). The effect of CDK6 on GSK3β/β-catenin signaling may be independent to p53 status, as evidenced by the similar suppression of phosphorylation of GSK3β at Ser9 and β-catenin in shCDK6 HepG2 cells with wild-type p53 expression (Supplementary Fig. 10a). Given the role of GSK3...
With treatment at 3 hpi, while most wild-type cells or cells transfected with Cas13d/NT crRNA were killed by 229E infection, 54% of cells were alive using Cas13d/N1 crRNA alone and 78% or 87% of cells alive when combining Cas13d/N1 crRNA with E-64d or EIDD-1931, respectively (...
Relative mRNA expression level (fold expression) as obtained by qPCR performed on whole cerebellum or hippocampus extracts of adult wild type (WT) and En2-/- mice. Correlation of fold expression from qPCR (light color bars) and microarray (dark color bars) results was calculated using Pearson’...
Nonetheless, we performed immunoblot analysis in KO iNs to test for presence of ANK2 interactors identified by IP-MS in corresponding wild-type (WT) neurons. KO iNs were still expressing proteins essential for neuronal physiology and synaptic function, including the calcium channel subunit CACNA2D...