该方法集标准间断伽辽金(Discontinuous Galerkin, DG)支持非结构网格的优势和谱元法(Spectral Element Method, SEM)的低计算量下的高精度优势于一身,同时又有较为统一的模板来离散各种低维偏微分方程。 本笔记的主要参考资料来自于Julia的Trixi.jl工具包 Home · Trixi.jl (sciml.ai)docs.sciml.ai/Trixi/...
由于DGSEM是对每个网格进行局部操作,因此主要采用有限定义域的多项式。为了表达方便,最好能将每个网格始末坐标仿射变换到对称的闭区间内。 2.3 低阶正交多项式族的构造方法 将多项式族重写: \begin{cases} \frac{P_0\left( x \right)}{A_{0,0}}=1\\ \frac{P_1\left( x \right)}{A_{1,1}}=x+\...
The spectral-element method (SEM), which combines the flexibility of the finite element method\n(FEM) with the accuracy of spectral method, has been successfully applied to simulate seismic\nwavefields in geological models on different scales. One kind of SEMs that adopts orthogonal\nLegendre ...
谱元法 SEM(spectral element method)基于弹性力学方程弱形式基础之上,在有限单元上进行谱展开,从而使该方法具备了有限元适应任意复杂介质模型的韧性和伪谱法的精度,该方法又被称为高阶有限元方法或伪谱法的域分解 谱元法(SEM),最初是Patera在1984年计算流体力学中提出. 它在有限元上进行谱展开,所以具有有限元方法...
1) spectral element method 谱元法(SEM)2) SEM-EDXA SEM-EDXA法 1. The morphologies and ultra-structure of the cuticle of Miscanthus stem and the distribution of mineral elements in it were studied by means of SEM-EDXA. 用SEM-EDXA法研究芒秆茎部皮层的形态、超微结构及矿质元素分布。3)...
method, known as the Spectral Element Method (SEM), has been developed and used in connection with wave propagation problems in 3D elastic media (Komatitsch and Tromp, 1999). The SEM combines the flexibility of a finite element method with the accuracy of a spectral method and it is not ...
Although it is known that the spectral element method (SEM) has both high accuracy and a lower computational cost when compared with finite-element or finite-difference methods, the SEM is not widely utilized in the modeling of boundary value problems in electromagnetics. This paper provides a 2...
The least-squares spectral elementmethod (LSQSEM) is a relatively novel technique for the numerical approximation of the solution of partial differential equations. The method combines the weak formulation based on the minimization of a residual norm, the least-squares formulation, with the higher-ord...
In this paper, we make full use of the elementwise global property of the Laplace operator of the spectral element method(SEM) and propose an efficient source wavefield reconstruction method at the cost of storing the wavefield history only at single boundary layer nodes. Numerical experiments ...
While the high-order spectral element method (SEM) is much more efficient than the classical low-order finite element method (FEM), the fact that spectral elements are relatively large renders the SEM ineffective in discretizing microscopic cracks. The classical FEM, on the other hand, is good ...