spectral-elementmethod网络谱元法;谱元素法 网络释义 1. 谱元法 谱元法(Spectral-Element Method)54 谱差法(Spectral-Finite Difference Method)54 元…cdmd.cnki.com.cn|基于1 个网页 2. 谱元素法...低频段( 1 Hz )已有高度掌握三维波场行为的谱...
The spectral-element method, Beowulf computing and global seismology, Science 298, 1737-1742.Komatitsch, D., J. Ritsema, and J. Tromp, 2002: The spectral-element method, Beowulf computing, and global seismology. Science, 298, 1737-1742....
谱元法 SEM(spectral element method)基于弹性力学方程弱形式基础之上,在有限单元上进行谱展开,从而使该方法具备了有限元适应任意复杂介质模型的韧性和伪谱法的精度,该方法又被称为高阶有限元方法或伪谱法的域分解 谱元法(SEM),最初是Patera在1984年计算流体力学中提出. 它在有限元上进行谱展开,所以具有有限元方法...
The propagation of seismic waves through Earth can now be modeled accurately with the recently developed spectral-element method. This method takes into account heterogeneity in Earth models, such as three-dimensional variations of seismic wave velocity, density, and crustal thickness. The method is ...
A high-order extended finite element method based on the spectral element method for the simulation of dynamic fracture is developed. The partition of unity for the discontinuous displacement is constructed by employing p order spectral element. This method shows great advantages in the simulations of...
The only way to efficiently handle wave propagation problems in structures with complicated boundaries and discontinuities is to develop a matrix methodology for use on a computer. In this chapter, we develop such a method.
关于间断伽辽金谱元法(Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Method, DGSEM) ,英文资料介绍较多,大概在2010年前后相关的论文才比较丰富。该方法集标准间断伽辽金(Discontinuous Galerkin, DG)支持非结构网格的优势和谱元法(Spectral Element Method, SEM)的低计算量下的高精度优势于一身,同时又有较为统一的模板来离...
Spectral Element Method in Structural Dynamics 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者: 作者:Lee, Usik 出品人: 页数:480 译者: 出版时间:2009-10 价格:1158.00 元 装帧: ...
A spectral element method that combines the generality of the finite element method with the accuracy of spectral techniques is proposed for the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In the spectral element discretization, the computational domain is broken into a series of ...
“FiniteElementMethod.” Manyofthesebooksaredevotedtospecialtopics,suchasheattransfer,com- putationalfluiddynamics(CFD),structuralmechanics,andstressanalysisin elasticity,whileotherbooksarewrittenfromthepointofviewoftheapplied mathematicianornumericalanalystwithemphasisonerroranalysisandnu- mericalaccuracy.Many...