Spectra-Physics 最新推出的产品 InSight DS+ 是最先进的用于多光子成像的飞秒激光器基于专利的技术, InSight DS+ 独立地输出 680 nm 至 1300 nm 无缺口的连续调谐,几乎是传统钛蓝宝石激光器波长范围的2倍。尤其InSight DS+在红外(>1µm)波长范围输出更高的平均功率和峰值功率,是目前活体成像最有效的方式。Spe...
Spectra-Physics Lasers(美国)专业提供:高功率激光 克尔透镜锁模 灯泵浦激光 激光 锁模激光器 纳秒激光器 非线性频率转换 光参量放大器 光参量振荡器 再生放大器 固体激光器 钛蓝宝石激光器 可调谐激光器 超快放大器 超快激光器 紫外激光器 钒酸激光器 YAG激光器 放大器 半导体泵浦激光器 染料激光器 飞秒激光器...
关于MKS Instruments MKS Instruments,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:MKSI)是仪器,系统,子系统和流程控制解决方案的全球供应商,产品可测量,监视,交付,分析,供电和控制先进制造过程的关键参数,为我们的客户提高流程绩效和生产率。 了解有关MKS Instruments的更多信息
Spectra-Physics Spectra-Physics®is a brand within the MKS Instruments Photonics Solutions division. The Spectra-Physics product portfolio consists of a broad spectrum of lasers for precision industrial and scientific research applications. Spectra-Physics products combine groundbreaking laser technologies ...
Spectra-Physics® delivers breakthrough technologies from the manufacturing floor to the operating room to the research laboratory, Spectra-Physics® has blazed a trail of discovery and success in lasers that continues to advance every day.
Spectra-Physics® delivers breakthrough technologies from the manufacturing floor to the operating room to the research laboratory, Spectra-Physics® has blazed a trail of discovery and success in lasers that continues to advance every day.
最后,Quasar lasers的自动数据记录软件在激光器的整个生命周期内监控所有主要激光性能参数,提供强大的服务功能和产品可靠性工具。他们还提供此软件的客户版本。Quasar是同类激光器中,首个提供TimeShift技术的激光器,可在时域上实现脉冲能量的可编程性。通过控制激光器脉冲的时间和重复频率(脉宽和形状),微加工材料的去除和...
Spectra-Physics®introduces Talon®HE, a new line of high energy UV and green Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers. Delivering high pulse energies up to >500 µJ at 355 nm and 1000 µJ at 532 nm, the new lasers are identical in footprint and interfaces with the hig...
Spectra-Physics Lasers Drops Lasers from NameNews & FeaturesAbout Us
Spectra-Physics®, a Newport Corporation brand, introduces the Excelsior One continuous-wave (CW) lasers series. The new line of ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near-infrared (NIR) CW lasers integrate laser head and controller into a single, compact package. Available as free-space an...