(500nJ)的飞秒振荡器 Element/Synergy ™ – 飞秒振荡器Tsunami 输出目前最高的平均功率 (4.5W), 提供从长皮秒到短飞秒多种脉冲宽度输出 • 超短脉冲和兆瓦级峰值功率 • 放大器种子注入 • 超低噪音 • 泵浦探测实验 • 卓越的功率稳定性 • 太赫兹光谱和成像 激光器 突出特点 应用 InSight DS...
The laser, which combines the Millennia diode-pumped laser with Tsunami Ti:sapphire technology, has an output power of more than 700 mW and a pulsewidth of <100 fs at 800 nm. The laser has a standard tuning range of 750-920 nm, over 100 nm; it can be easily customized for specific ...
1990–Tsunami ® FirstMode-Locked Ti:SapphireLaser 2012–Millennia ® eV ™ First25WGreenCWDPSS LaserforTi:SapphirePumping 3 Email:sales@spectra-physics.com•Web:newport.com/spectra-physics #1inUltrafast WidestScopeofUltrafastApplications Spectra-Physicsultrafastlasersenablenewapplicationsinawiderangeof...
Soon thereafter, the ultrafast and tunable laser communities quickly replaced their cumbersome dye lasers with the popular argon-ion-pumped Ti:sapphire systems, resulting in a sudden paradigm shift rarely seen in research. This Spectra-Physics Tsunami oscillator is being pumped by a Millennia laser ...
Instead of this two-beam method, Gu fired one Spectra-Physics Tsunami 800-nm Ti:sapphire ultra-short pulsed laser beam. Only the molecules at the focused beam waist received enough energy to cause two-photon excitation. Other molecules were not excited because the intensity was too low. He ...
Please find below links to pre-installation guides for many of our lasers. Advance preparation of your site is the best way to ensure a smooth installation. If you have not received a guide or are unable to locate it in the list below or along with other individual product page resource ...
Cooling TR 300 Particle Filter, 10 Micron Mai Tai Millennia, Evolution X, Tsunami 2604-0493 Neslab M33 Chiller particle filter, 1 micron Empower Mai Tai, Evolution High-Energy Pulsed Lasers Part NumberDescriptionProduct Compatibility 90100357 Nd:YAG laser flashlamp Quanta-Ray 9800-0600 DI Filter ...
Kafka joined Spectra-Physics in 1983 as a senior scientist and held multiple positions at the company before becoming CTO. Kafka designed several of the company’s most significant products, including the Tsunami, the first commercial ultrafast Ti:sapphire laser (1990); the Millennia X, the first...