Special GL Indicator means in Advances (Downpayments) sap treated as special gl indicators. Find the following steps for down payment 1.Create Gl A/c for vendor Down Payment 2.Define spcl gl indicator And Link the special gl with vendor recon a/c-OBYR(Vendor)OBXR(Customer) 3.Post Down ...
Here we would like to draw your attention toGMGAAP table inSAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAPPSM-GM (Grants Management in PSM) componentwhich is coming underPSM module (Public Sector Management). GMGAAP is a SAPstandard transp tableused for storingSpecial GL accounts in...
The first step in SAP special G/L indicator configuration is the account determination. With account determination, special G/L transactions are posted to an alternative reconciliation account. As a prerequisite, alternative reconciliation accounts should be created within the specified chart of accounts....
Special GL account:-This is also a reconciliation account, but we dont assign this account to any sub ledger accounts. we assign this account to the above reconciliation account with special GL indicator. So that system posts the special transactions like advances, bad debts & BOE to this acco...
GL accounts strictly adhere to the basic accounting principle of Debit and Credit – double entry bookkeeping. In SAP, transactions relating to Account Receivables (AR) and Account Payables (AP) are posted to sub-ledgers defined in the system. The totals of sub-ledgers are automatically posted ...
Incorrect definition in FI customizing tables. ProcedureMaintain the entry for account type "K" and special G/L transaction ""using the FI customizing functions. But if we use SAP Standard variant document is created with no error. Please guide. RegardsNasim...
Doing some tests in version ECC 6.0 the field BSEG-HZUON (G/L allocation number) is not being filled while I am manually inputting the assignment (BSEG-ZUONR). When I search items in FBL3N I cant see the assignment number because the special g/l account assignment is not being filled....
Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata-common/entity.d.ts:53 ReturnsSpecialGlCode Properties financialAccountType financialAccountType:string Implementation ofSpecialGlCodeType.financialAccountType Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCode.ts:34 ...
In your given example, It is important to know whether the Chart of Accounts for both is same or different.. if it is same, the same mapping of Recon Account to Special GL account will be applicable for both Company A & B. But, if it is different for both company codes, then you ...
ALL_FIELDS: AllFields<SpecialGlCode> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCode.ts:115 All fields selector. Const FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE: StringField<SpecialGlCode> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCo...