2. GL Documents Process 总帐凭证录入 2.1 Enter G/L account document 创建总帐凭证 2.2 Enter G/L account posting 通过 Posting Key 输入总帐凭证 2.3 Change accounting documents 修改凭证 0 / 62 2.4 Display individual accounting documents 查询凭证 2.5 Display accounting documents list 只显示自已做的凭证...
如果您輸入 1 ,則必須在 SAPGLCONCAT 介面控制項的 CONCATCHAR 參數中輸入特殊字元,以用來區隔連結的值。 否則,請將 CONCATCHAR 參數的值設為空值。 配置其餘參數 針對SAPGLCOMP 控制項中每一個剩餘參數,輸入序號 (整數) ,指出對應元素在帳號內的位置,或空值,如下所示: 表1. SAPGLCOMP 帳號順序 * 帳號可...
Technically you can post any cost center to a GL Account, as both exist in the same company codes and both master data objects are free for posting. That said, lot of customers create their own validation rules to restrict what GL Accounts can be used with a specific cost center. This...
Dear experts,as we encounter extreme price changes in finished goods during the monthly ML Run, could you please provide a list of month-end activities we should undertake to address and rectify these price fluctuations before executing the ML Run?Dinesh_kajaExplorer2024 Oct 09in Enterprise Resourc...
2. GL Documents Process 总帐凭证录入 2.1 Enter G/L account document 创建总帐凭证 2.2 Enter G/L account posting 通过 Posting Key 输入总帐凭证 2.3 Change accounting documents 修改凭证 2.4 Display individual accounting documents 查询凭证 2.5 Display accounting documents list 只显示自已做的凭证 2.6 ...
17、ng documents 查询凭证TRANSACTION CODE:FB03事务 菜单路径:FB03SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Document > FB032.5 Display accounting documents list 只显示自已做的凭证 TRANSACTION CODE:FB03Own documents only打! 然后点击闹钟执行。2.6 Display changes of accounting documents 查询修改...
For each update we can only assign two GL Account one for Debit and one for Credit. B- Account Assignment Reference We use the account assignment reference to determine the G/L account in which the position is to be managed. We make the assignments of the G/L ac...
As Controlling is now part of the Universal Journal as well, now all CO internal actual postings are visible in General Ledger as well. The secondary cost elements are part of the chart of accounts. 成本控制成为统一日记账的组成部分,所有实际成本数据在总账中是可见的,次级成本要素也变成了总账科目...
2.GLDocumentsProcess总帐凭证录入 2.1EnterG/Laccountdocument创建总帐凭证 2.2EnterG/Laccountposting通过PostingKey输入总帐凭证 2.3Changeaccountingdocuments修改凭证 1/62 2.4Displayindividualaccountingdocuments查询凭证 2.5Displayaccountingdocumentslist只显示自已做的凭证 2.6Displaychangesofaccountingdocuments查询修改记录 ...