It's the place where you ... Part3和Part4共为6分钟,考官将为考生描述一个情景,要求考生根据图片中的选项进行讨论。需要在讨论中给出自己的观点和理由,并和搭档做出最后一个决定。Part4将结合Part3,考生相互讨论各自的偏好习惯。 建议在开始之前加入一两句话,从某一个选项开始开启话题。 Getting started Where...
tests _ (B1-B2 48:43 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语虚拟式LE SUBJONCTIF EN FRANÇAIS _ LEÇON COMPLÈTE 08:49 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】初级法语发音课Intensive French Pronunciation Training_ 1:02:17 【YouTube搬运 | 法语口语】初级法语入门课Learn French in 1 Hour (Beginner Course Part 2...
Shopping sprees are an essential part of every city break. The vacation isn’t over until you buy souvenirs for each member of your family. So here’s how to ask “how much does it cost?”in Chinese: 10.再见。=Goodbye. If you want to maintain the good first impression you managed to...
How to Pass the B1 Speaking & Listening English Test for British Citizenship and Settlement first time. Pass your B1 exam. Practice questions and guidance.
Test 3 Part 3 2422019-12 2 Test 3 Part 4 2492019-12 3 Test 4 Part 1 2542019-12 4 Test 4 Part 2 2192019-12 5 Test 4 Part 3 1672019-12 6 Test 4 Part 4 2202019-12 7 B1 Preliminary for Schools speaking test (from 2020) - Roberto and Simone 4142020-01 8 句子插入题的做题技巧讲解...
you will spend a significant part of your day speaking... phone with experts who are uniquely...更多…… Marketing Intern Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. 北京市 全职 writing, reading, listening, speaking and translation skills; Mandarin speaker. Sony Pictures...更多…… Business Development Re...
Unit1Festivals and CelebrationsListening and Speaking学习重点:学生在听的过程中应注意关注说话人的态度,辨别人物之间的关系;学生应能够结合已有背景知识.运用话题词汇来描述节日活动。Listening and Speaking part2 听力音频Listening and Speak...
IELTS Speaking Test - Part 1 - QUESTION SET: 2 Set 1|Set 2|Set 3|Set 4|Set 5|Set 6| IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics in this page: History, Living place, Reading, Accommodation, Drink, Colour, Maps, Flowers, Fast food, Friends, Neighbours, your favourite place, Leisure, Television, Ent...
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B1 More vice US /ˌvaɪ.sə/ ・ UK /ˌvaɪs/ adjecitve used as part of the title of particular positions. The person who holds one of these positions is next below in authority to the person who holds the full position and can act for them noun a moral fault ...