Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
SPC Control Charts & Statistical Analysis Tools Excel control charts include: Built-inStatistical Process Control Chart features include: Multiple control regionson control charts to show process shifts. Each region's control limits based on data (all or portion); user-defined levels; or another reg...
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
In addition to the charts listed on the pull down menu,QI Macros contains more than 100 fill-in-the-blank templates. To access these templates select Lean Six Sigma Templateson QI Macros pull down menu. Watch Template Overview Video
system. The Operator Panel permits you to collect data manually or directly with a standard RS-232 and RF communication. You can also import measurements with a predifined Excel template: with a single click you'll be able to add hundreds or thousands records inside the system and manage ...
Charts are easily copied into Word or Excel. Great support from Zontec technical folks. They will help you set up the data capture process. We set up next year's data sheets in advance so that our operators can move from old to new without waiting.CONS When correcting mis-entered data, ...
VariationandControlChartsALeadershipPerspective-SPCfor 系统标签: variationchartscontrolleadershipperspectiveucl VariationandControlChartsALeadershipPerspectivePleasegivecreditto.spcforexcelwhenusingthispresentation.HowDoWeLookatData?Sales(000)inJan-10:$11,229BudgetforJan-10:$10,000SalesinJan-09:$7,997Anumberby...