Add an arrow for the desired direction of travel on the chart 9. Export chart data to create and manipulate in Excel 10. Developed using best practice custom visuals to ensure compatibility NOTE: The SPC T chart is available as a free visual with limited features. Full features available ...
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
Looking for affordable, easy-to-use SPC software? QI Macros add-in for Excel is for you. Creates charts in seconds and even chooses the right chart for you.
I like that it works within Excel as an add-in so I don't have to download something extra. I also really appreciate all the online help offered and the reasonable price. Douglass B. With this SPC program, I can chart almost all aspects of my operation from shop floor quality to servi...
先来说明P(可变样本量的不合格品率)(即P-chart)如何使用EXCEL2013来制作的。 1.数据准备。 注意:图表红色方框蓝色填充部分无内容。 2. 以不良率数据(B49:AB49)绘制带数据标记的折线图。 框选"B49:AB49"--"插入"--"插入折线图"--"带数据标记的折线图"--调整图表位置大小。 3.添加UCL上限。 右键绘图...
先来说明P(可变样本量的不合格品率)(即P-chart)如何使用EXCEL2013来制作的。 1.数据准备。 注意:图表红色方框蓝色填充部分无内容。 2.以不良率数据(B49:AB49)绘制带数据标记的折线图。 框选"B49:AB49"--"插入"--"插入折线图"--"带数据标记的折线图"--调整图表位置大小。
1、过程控制分析报告过程信息统计描述数据点的趋势均值图极差图统计日期: 电容标称容量:100.000mXUCL:106.218RUCL:21.40215TU:120.00上升趋势连续上升点:5222区段数量:31统计项目:容量CP:1.350XCL:100.568RCL:10.14320TL:80.00下降趋势连续下降点数:5221区段数量:42采样数量:125CPK:1.311XLCL:94.918RLCL:0.000:超出控制...
Want to Create SPC Charts and Tools Right in Excel?QI Macros SPC Excel add-in contains all of the tools you need!loading=lazy QI Macros installs on Excel's menu. To create a chart: Select your data Click on QI Macros menu Select the chart you need* QI Macros does the rest. SPC ...