Methods: The study used cross-sectional data from the Demographic Health Survey (DHS) carried out in 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015. The malaria prevalence was obtained by considering the weighting scheme and using the space鈥搕ime smoothing model. Spatial autocorrelation was inferred using the Moran...
The spatiotemporal analysis was made using SaTScan version 9.4, while spatial autocorrelations and hotspot identification were generated using ArcGIS 10.5 software. A total of 90,716 U5-children diarrhea cases were reported with an annual incidence rate of 36.1 per 1,000 U5-children, indicating a ...
Malaria in Burkina Faso: A comprehensive analysis of spatiotemporal distribution of incidence and environmental drivers, and implications for control strat... Background: The number of malaria cases worldwide has increased, with over 241 million cases and 69,000 more deaths in 2020 compared to 2019...
An interactive web application has been created using Shiny (, The dashboard offers tools such as interactive maps, a database, heat maps, and risk analysis, enabling users to explore malaria data across Rwanda for various demographic groups from...
In this study, the net primary productivity (NPP) in China from 2001 to 2012 was estimated based on the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) model using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and meteorological datasets, and the accuracy was verified by a ChinaFLUX dataset. It was...
Using the most recent survey data from the EDHS 2019, we employed spatial regression analysis to identify predictors of the observed spatial patterns of EIBF and EBF in Ethiopia. To examine the spatial relationship between the explanatory variables and the dependent variables, both global and local...
Insecticide-treated netDisease mappingGeospatial analysisCentral and East AfricaThe overall study area (bottom right) and Demographic and Health Survey sample locations in DHS-MIS 2013–2017. Maps were created using ArcGIS by Esri version 10.5 ( ) [ ], and basemaps were obtained from ESRI and ...
Wuhan-Hu-1 reference (Genbank: MN908947.3) using minimap2. This alignment will then be used to generate consensus sequences and variant calls using medaka ( The entire ONT analysis pipeline is available at the GitHub repository accompanying this manuscript...
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality in California Based on the American Cancer Society Cohort: Final Report; State of California Air Resources Board: Sacramento, CA, USA, 2012. 70. Robichaud, A.; Ménard, R. Multi-year objective analyses of warm season ground-level ozone ...
After using normal scores of transform in SPSS to transform data that did not satisfy a normal distribution, a multiple regression model with backward elimination was constructed to connect the thermal environment with landscape spatial factors. In addition, correlation analysis helps determine the ...