其中,Gconv(⋅)是一个图卷积层。图卷积递归网络(Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network, GCRN)[71] 将LSTM网络与ChebNet [21] 结合在一起。扩散卷积递归神经网络(Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network, DCRNN)[72] 将提出的扩散图卷积层(方程18)结合到GRU网络中。此外,DCRNN采用了编码器-解码器框架来...
Multi-scale spatial–temporal convolutional neural network for skeleton-based action recognition 不对劲大家 2 人赞同了该文章 研究目标: 近年来,由于从骨骼数据中提取时空特征的能力有限,基于卷积神经网络或循环神经网络的方法识别精度较差。一系列基于图卷积网络(GCN)的方法取得了显着的性能并逐渐占据主导地位。然而...
convolutional long short-term memory network; rice field classification; Sentinel-1A SAR images; spatial-temporal neural network1. Introduction In Asian regions, rice is a staple food for the general public [1,2,3]. It provides employment and also livelihoods for the people. Especially in Taiwan...
To this end, we propose a computer-aided MDD detection framework based on spatial–temporal EEG fusion using neural network, as shown in Fig. 1. The simplified process is as follows: (1) Raw EEG data acquisition and preprocessing. (2) The time series EEG data of ea...
Our modified Multivariate Time Graph Neural Network model shows significant improvements over traditional methods, particularly in handling missing data and forecasting future groundwater levels with minimal bias. The model’s performance is rigorously evaluated when trained and applied with both synthetic ...
DSTAGNN: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Aware Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting ICML2022 论文地址:https://proceedings.mlr.press/v162/lan22a.html 代码地址:https://github.com/SYLan2019/DSTAGNN 作者:Shiyong Lan, Yitong Ma, Weikang Huang, Wenwu Wang, Hongyu Yang, Pyang Li 一个用于时空...
As the network layers deepen, all node representations tend to converge to a uniform value, which greatly affects the ability of the employed model to capture long-term dependencies, especially long-term temporal dependencies. To this end, the spatial-temporal graph neural ODE network (STG-NODE)...
Spatio-temporal prediction of snow cover in the Black Forest mountain range using remote sensing and a recurrent neural network Winter tourism is the main economic factor for many different regions in the German Mountain Range. Owing to warming trends experienced in the past and pre... T Sauter...
在RNN的基础上,DIFFUSION CONVOLUTIONAL RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK: DATA-DRIVEN TRAFFIC FORECASTING(ICLR 2018)提出DCRNN模型,通过将图的思想引入RNN,使RNN能够同时输入空间中多个节点的时间序列,在学习时间维度依赖的同时,学习不同节点的空间关系。 GRU是RNN模型的一种,DCRNN在GRU的基础上,将原来GRU中的全连接部分修改...
论文标题:Pre-training Enhanced Spatial-temporal Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting 下载地址: dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1 本文介绍KDD 2022的一篇时空预测文章,提出了一种时空预测模型的通用预训练模块,利用预训练的方式提升时空预测网络对于长周期序列信息的利用效率,并引入了一种图结构自动...