如果你对单目3D目标检测的相关概念不甚了解,或想查阅更多文章、了解领域发展,欢迎阅读此文: 慕弋云子:浅述单目3D目标检测(长期施工中… 慕弋云子 时空图建模 Spatial-Temporal Fusion Graph Neural Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting (AAAI21) Canvas
框架:它由(1)输入层,(2)stacked Spatial-Temporal Fusion Graph Neural Layers and (3) an output layer 输入和输出层是一个和两个全连接层,然后是激活层,如“ReLU”。每个Spatial-Temporal Fusion Graph Neural Layer由多个时空融合图神经模块(STFGN模块)和一个门控CNN模块组成,该模块包含两个并行的一维扩张卷...
code:GitHub - MengzhangLI/STFGNN: Code of STFGNN@AAAI-2021 (Spatial-Temporal/ Traffic data forecasting) 文章基于AAAI20的STSGCN进行了改进,STSGCN考虑了相邻节点之间的时序关联特性,但是存在一些节点可能在空间上并不直接相连,但在时间上有相似的特性,本文作者解决了这个问题。 1. 本文亮点 使用DTW算法计算时间...
Li M, Zhu Z (2021) Spatial-temporal fusion graph neural networks for traffic flow forecasting. Proc AAAI Conf Artif Intell 35:4189–4196 Google Scholar Chen Y, Segovia-Dominguez I, Gel YR (2021) Z-gcnets: Time zigzags at graph convolutional networks for time series forecasting. In: Meil...
Spatial-temporal graph neural networksTalking-heads attentionIntelligent transportation systemsTraffic flow forecasting, which requires modelling involuted spatial and temporal dependence and uncertainty regarding road networks and traffic conditions, is a challenge for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ...
Spatial-Temporal Fusion Graph Neural Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
However, this task faces challenges such intraindividual action differences and long-term temporal dependencies. To address these challenges, we propose an innovative model called spatial-temporal graph neural ordinary differential equations (STG-NODE). First, in the data preprocessing stage, the dynamic...
In this study, a novel temporal-spatial graph neural network with an attention-aware module (A-TSGNN) is proposed to accomplish multi-source information fusion. First, the graph structure naturally organizes the diverse sensors. The graph convolution model realizes the feature representation in the ...
Gated GNN [后补] 最后像ASTGCN一样也是用Huber loss作为损失函数 附加知识点 dynamic time warping的作用是比较序列的相似性,举个例子是同一个人在不同时刻发同一个音,也不一定会有相同的时间序列。这样传统的欧式距离就无法计算。他具体怎么计算:比如简化来看,两段序列m和n,分别对于m和n个特征,逐一计算[m,n...
3 Causality-Aware Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Time Series Imputation 4 ByGCN: Spatial Temporal Byroad-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Flow Prediction in Road Networks 5 Spatio-temporal Graph Normalizing Flow for Probabilistic Traffic Prediction 6 Irregularity-Informed...