Typical intestinal colic can appear in inoffensive diseases, such as acute enterocolitis, or in dangerous diseases, such as occlusion of the bowel, bowel stenosis, colon cancer, or poisoning colic. Of course, it is very important to make a correct diagnosis because this is the only way in whi...
entrapment of nerves with pain radiating to the innervated area, and forced adaptation to a new postural position, eventually affecting the middle and low back muscles. In addition to severe headaches and dysfunction, cervical immobility has been known to affect the maxillomandibular relationship, resu...
If you take regular magnesium (in tablet, capsule or liquid form), it will irritate your colon and stimulate a bowel movement, and make the spasming worse. However, you can take magnesium orally as long as it is in atom-sized or angstrom-sized form. This means the mineral is so tiny ...
colon spasmcolonoscopylidocaineperistalsisObjectives Colonic spasm can interfere with colonoscopy, but antispasmodic agents can cause complications. This study aimed to assess the inhibitory effect of topical lidocaine compared with a placebo control. Methods In five tertiary‐care hospitals in Japan, 128 ...
In subject area:Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science About this page Add to MendeleySet alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Clinical Signs Approach to Differential Diagnosis ...