Even broken skateboards can have new purpose in life. This Calgary, Canada–based studio and winner of the2020 Etsy Design Awardspainstakingly sands, cleans, and cuts discarded skateboards—themselves typically made of seven-ply maple—before turning them into jewelry (from $25), hous...
The way that, despite having so few words, My Baby's Taking Me Home turns into a massive ritual of joy, much like the coda to Hey Jude does! The TOTAL bitterness of Ugly Guys with Beautiful Girls! And yet it has something as funny as Suburban Homeboy to cap it all off. Go figure...
Spark [spärk] noun. An individual’s deepest passions and interests that give them meaning, focus, joy and energy. Every one of us has a spark, “something inside that is good, beautiful, and useful to the world.” The Maine Sparks project was created
soul, and a unicorn that shoots a demon out of her magic book, you’ve come to the right place. if you want a fighting game that’s got the correct number of buttons for single Joy-Con play with a friend on the go, TFH ain’t a ...
Scott Mescudi. In 2015, when La Flame met Cudi for the very first time, he wept tears of joy. "There would be no Travis Scott if it wasn’t for him,"Travis told MTV Newsthat year. Fast-forward to 2020, and the Scotts nabbed theirfirst collaborative No. 1 song togetheron the Bill...
I am in a really happy-go-lucky place, so I really want my new music to reflect that. Recently in the studio I’ve been trying to come up with something happy, kind of reminiscent of “One Step at a Time.” That song just makes you feel happy when you hear it. Those ki...
1979’sNo. 1 Song in Heaven, took things in a radically different direction. Surely no one predicted that Sparks would end up playing disco, but the new style seemed to suit them well. Admirers included Ian Curtis of Joy Division, whose iconic single “Love Will Tear Us Apart” was influe...
The as-yet-untitled release, due next year, will be distributed by Firebird Label Services, marking the veteran band’s return to the indie music community after reuniting with Island Records for last year’s The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte studio set. One of the night’s biggest prizes ...
Classes are structured to help develop and grow young singers, to refine their skills in order to build confidence and joy in performing. View Classes View Classes Drama Classes Programmes are designed to build confidence and creativity, allowing students to truly explore their imaginations through mo...
and their homeland the United States. And how the influence of “the greatest band you’ve never heard of,” or “your favourite band’s favourite band,” has been recognized by successive generations of artists from Joy Division to Duran Duran to Depeche Mode to Bjork toBeckto The Darkness...