Hey there! Ever feel like you're drifting through life, not quite sure what sparks your joy? Like you're searching for that thing that makes you jump out of bed in the morning, eager to dive in? You're not alone. Many of us spend years feeling lost, unsure of our...
But here’s the thing — after following her advice and trying to implement every detail into my life, I still cannot discern what does or does not spark joy. This past summer, I read Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” because I wanted to experience the hype of ...
Let’s not forget about the original catalyst of a good deed—the individual whose altruism sets this positive cycle in motion. The benefits of being like Guilherme are powerful and potentially life-changing. Altruism sparks a boomerang effect, where the positive behavior spirals back ...
The Maine Sparks project was created to help you turn your spark into a meaningful career here in Maine. From Jay Collier, Educate Maine program director Building on the foundation created for Leadership Maine’sMaine Sparksinitiative,Educate Maine‘sProject>Loginhas been developing a full-spectrum ...
• Keep only those things that spark joy. ... • After you've finished discarding, organize your space thoroughly and completely. ... • Do it all in one go. Every coach needs a coach... Hey there boss, I'm Neal Governor, Certified life and career coach, family and mountain ma...
is certainly one way of helping us decide what to keep, but to be honest, it was a difficult question when I applied it to books in my home. Obviously, not every book in my library "sparks joy" but as a category books bring me great pleasure, especially children's books, so I ...
Sometimes the feeling that life is great just swells up inside you and fills you with joy. — Jackie Gleason 70 It feels great to be on top of the world but the greatest feeling is when your feet are on the ground. — Felix Baumgartner 21 Feelings are everywhere -- be gentle. —...
The stars sparkle in the sky. Twinkle A closing or opening, or a quick motion, of the eye; a wink or sparkle of the eye. Suddenly, with twinkle of her eye,The damsel broke his misintended dart. Sparkle (intransitive) To manifest itself by, or as if by, emitting sparks; to glisten...
Save enough joy in your heart to enjoy it. Let your reward be in the doing of it. — Bill Withers 72 Life is like a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs. But it's your choice to scream or enjoy the ride. As a businessman, I’ve learned that we can improve only on ...
So, take the time to understand the real priorities in your life, and you'll be able to determine the best direction for you and your life goals! Tip: Values are usually fairly stable, yet they don't have strict limits or boundaries. Also, as you move through life, your values may ...