2.1 修改 SparkSqlParser.scala 文件/** * Create a [[DropTableCommand]] command. */ overridedefvisitDropTable(ctx:DropTableContext):LogicalPlan=withOrigin(ctx){ DropTableCommand( visitTableIdentifier(ctx.tableIdentifier), ctx.EXISTS!=null, ctx.VIEW!=null, ctx.PURGE!=null, ctx.WITH()!=null&&...
# 使用hive_prod catalog spark-sql> use hive_prod; # 进入default数据库 spark-sql> use default; Time taken: 0.104 seconds # 创建表 spark-sql> CREATE TABLE hive_prod.default.sample2 ( > id bigint COMMENT 'unique id', > data string) > USING iceberg; Time taken: 3.271 seconds # 查看表...
最近公司为了降本,在做presto sql 到 spark sql的任务迁移(体力活 ),作为一个两年多来一直在用presto的sql boy,因为presto本身是针对adhoc场景,所以在平时建表的时候都是简单粗暴的create table table_name as 、 insert into table_name 等等, 最近上线了spark之后,发现了spark在etl的强大,也发现其实自己在ddl...
Spark SQL DROP TABLE PURGE的性能和存储注意事项 SQLContext和HiveContext 所有Spark SQL功能的入口点是SQLContext类或其后代之一。你创建一个 SQLContext 从一个 SparkContext 。使用SQLContext ,您可以从RDD,Hive表或数据源创建DataFrame。 要在Spark应用程序中使用存储在Hive或Impala表中的数据,请构建一个 HiveConte...
begin select count(*) into v_cnt from user_tables where table_name = upper(TAB_NAME_IN); if v_cnt>0 then execute immediate 'drop table ' || TAB_NAME_IN ||' purge'; end If; end DROPEXITSTABS;
If Spark does not have the required privileges on the underlying data files, a SparkSQL query against the view returns an empty result set, rather than an error. Performance and storage considerations for Spark SQL DROP TABLE PURGE The PURGE clause in the Hive DROP TABLE statement causes the ...
What changes were proposed in this pull request? Add comments for the PURGE option to the logical nodes DropTable and AlterTableDropPartition. Why are the changes needed? To improve code maintenance. Does this PR introduce any user-facing change? No How
Drop the table and database You can run the following Spark SQL to clean up the Iceberg tables and associated data in Amazon S3 from this exercise: %%sql DROP TABLE icebergdb.noaa_iceberg PURGE Run the following Spark SQL to remove the database icebergdb: ...
1.Jsqlparser是一个java的jar包,可以解析简单的SQL语句,但是不能解析特殊语法函数等 2.druid是阿里的连接池服务,也提供了解析SQL的工具类入口,能够解析mysql,hive,clickhouse,hbase等十几种SQL,出来的结果直接是可使用的结果,但是有一些语句还是不支持
('drop table if exists lakehouse.demodb.testTable purge') spark.sql('drop table if exists lakehouse.demodb.zipcodes purge') spark.sql('drop table if exists lakehouse.demodb.yellow_taxi_2022 purge') spark.sql('drop database if exists lakehouse.demodb cascade') def main(): try: spark =...