class Analyzer( //管理着临时表、view、函数及外部依赖元数据(如hive metastore),是analyzer进行绑定的桥梁 catalog: SessionCatalog, conf: SQLConf, maxIterations: Int) extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] with CheckAnalysis { def this(catalog: SessionCatalog, conf: SQLConf) = { this(catalog, conf, conf...
SparkSQL相关语句总结 不支持子查询 eg. select * from src where key in(select key from test);支持查询个数 eg. select * from src where key in(1,2,3,4,5); in 40000个 耗时25.766秒 in 80000个 耗时78.827秒 2.union all/union不支持顶层的union all eg. select key from src UNION ...
spark.sql.execution.arrow.maxRecordsPerBatch 10000 When using Apache Arrow, limit the maximum number of records that can be written to a single ArrowRecordBatch in memory. If set to zero or negative there is no limit. spark.sql.extensions Name of the class used to configure Spark Session ext...
新节点的子节点可能不一样rule.applyOrElse(this,identity[BaseType])}// Check if unchanged and then possibly return old copy to avoid gc churn.//再遍历子节点if(thisfastEquals afterRule){// 如果当前节点没有变化,则继续遍历它的子节点mapChildren(_.transformDown(rule))}else{// 如果当前节点发生改...
Writing data using SQL: --Create a new table, throwing an error if a table with the same name already exists:CREATETABLEmy_tableUSINGio.github.spark_redshift_community.spark.redshift OPTIONS ( dbtable'my_table', tempdir's3n://path/for/temp/data'url'jdbc:redshift://redshifthost:5439/data...
Spark SQL Functions Spark SQL String Functions Explained Spark SQL Date and Time Functions Spark SQL Array functions complete list Spark SQL Map functions – complete list Spark SQL Sort functions – complete list Spark SQL Aggregate Functions ...
If the data was so large that it wouldn't fit on the local compute hard drive, you must use the as_mount() option to stream the data with the FUSE filesystem. The compute_target of this second step is 'cpucluster', not the 'link1-spark01' resource you used in the data ...
CreateSqlPoolRestorePointDefinition CspWorkspaceAdminProperties CustomSetupBase CustomerManagedKeyDetails DataConnection DataConnectionCheckNameRequest DataConnectionKind DataConnectionListResult DataConnectionValidation DataConnectionValidationListResult DataConnectionValidationResult DataFlowComputeType DataLakeStorageAccountDeta...
目前仅支持Yarn-Per-Job模式,即一个sql执行一个yarn容器。 📒 文档 快速使用 快速安装 Api说明 📦 使用说明 <dependency><groupId></groupId><artifactId>star-client</artifactId><version>1.2.0</version></dependency> star:check-servers:trueservers:default:host:isxcodeport:30155key:...
基于sparkSql DataSourceV2实现输入源SparkSQL的DataSourceV2的实现与StructuredStreaming自定义数据源如出一辙,思想是一样的,但是具体实现有所不同,主要步骤如下: 第一步:继承DataSourceV2和ReadSupport创建XXXDataSource类,重写ReadSupport的creatReader方法,用来返回自定义的DataSourceReader类,如返回自定义XXXDataSourceRe...