-- decode the first argument using the second argument character set select decode(encode("HIVE", "UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); 5. format_string / printf 格式化字符串:format_string(strfmt, obj, ...) -- returns a formatted string from printf-style format strings select format_string("Spark SQL...
--decode the first argument using the second argument charactersetselectdecode(encode("HIVE","UTF-8"),"UTF-8"); 5. format_string / printf 格式化字符串:format_string(strfmt, obj, ...) 代码语言:javascript 复制 --returns a formatted string from printf-style format strings selectformat_string(...
而对于不足八位的二进制数值,如果直接调用 toBinaryString()方法,则二进制字符串将不到八位。可以利用 String 的 format 进行格式化:private def toBinaryStr(i: Short, digits: Int = 8): String = String.format("%" + digits + "s", i.toBinaryString).replace(' ', '0')当然,可以将这两个...
As you are working with strings, you might find yourself in a situation where you want to replace some special characters in it. With Python regex, you can search the string for special characters and be able to replace them. Advertisements In this tutorial, we will explore the power and c...
print("Original string:",string) # Using replace() method # Remove special characters from the string spe_char_to_remove = [':', ';', '!'] for character in spe_char_to_remove: string = string.replace(character, '') print("The string after removing multiple characters:",string) ...
replace(string initial, string target, string replacement), 替换字符串. split_part(string source, string delimiter, bigint n) , split 字符串并获取指定下标的子串. repeat(string str, int n), 重复拼接 n 次字符串. lower(string a) 和 lcase(string a), 都是将参数转成小写形式. ...
集合查找函数:find_in_set 字符串反转函数:reverse CREATE TABLE temp (id int,name string,email string,phone string) 1. INSERT INTO temp VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 'john.doe@example.com', '123-456-7890'), (2, 'Jane Smith', 'jane.smith@example.com', '555-555-5555'), ...
encode(str, charset) - Encodes the first argument using the second argument character set. Examples:> SELECT encode('abc', 'utf-8');abc 5.format_string/printf 格式化字符串 format_string(strfmt, obj, ...) - Returns a formatted string from printf-style format strings. ...
BTRIM 不支持 单参数的用 trim 改写双参数的可以尝试用 regexp_replace 替换 BYTES 不支持 用bit_length(xxx)/8 改写 CHAR_LENGTH 支持 CHARACTER_LENGTH 支持 CHR 支持 CONCAT 支持 CONCAT_WS 支持 FIND_IN_SET 支持 INITCAP 支持 INSTR 不支持 双参数和三参数的用 position 函数改写四参数的不支...
object of class RxSpark. This argument is optional. If supplied, the values of the other specified arguments are used to replace those ofobjectand the modified object is returned. hdfsShareDir character string specifying the file sharing location within HDFS. You must have permissions to read and...