要配置和优化STP、PortFast、Edge和BPDU Guard特性,可以按照以下步骤进行: 全局启用PortFast: plaintext Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast default 在特定端口上启用PortFast和BPDU Guard: plaintext Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable 将端口配置为...
A PortFast edge port: It is connected to a Layer 2 host. This can be either an access port or an edge trunk port (portfast edge trunk). This type of port interface immediately transitions to the forwarding state, bypassing the listeni...
PortfastDefault is disabled Portfast Edge BPDU Guard Default is disabled Portfast Edge BPDU Filter Default is disabled Loopguard Default is disabled PVST Simulation Default is enabled but inactive inpvstmode Bridge Assurance is enabled but inactive inpvstmode Ether Channel misconfig guard is enabled Conf...
当完成上述的配置后,可以通过在交换机S1上执行show spanning-tree如图所示,可以看出当前的portfast配置生效,因为该交换机的所有端口都是Edge(边缘端口),从某种意义上讲,这里的边缘端口就是portfast。 在交换机S1上通过全局命令配置BPDUGuard功能: S1(config)#spanning-treeportfast bpduguard default *在所有portfast端口...
SW1(config)#spanning-tree portfast edge bpdufilter default 如果把SW1的E1/1配置为bpdufilter则该接口不会发送BPDU报文,则对端SW2 E1/1接口收不到任何BPDU报文从BLK状态变为转发FWD,此时就产生环路。---不建议使用 === Loopbuard: 在DP指定端口配置Loopbuard: SW1(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid...
意思是直接从BLK跳到了FWD,完全不用再进行计算。这就是portfast 注意:portfast,是用在连接终端的接口上的,(PC,SERVER,只要不是交换机就行) 配置命令 sw1(config)#spanning-tree portfast edge default 在全局配置模式下开启,则针对此设备上的所有access口进行配置, ...
Does it do any harm to have "spanning-tree portfast default" configured globally on the root bridge switch which has uplinks (configured as non trunked ports) to other switches? Is it better to configure the uplink manually? If so how do you configure them?Enterprise...
portfast 可以防止DHCP超时 Novell进入问题 APPLETALK地址问题 使用方法 接口 spanning-tree portfast 接入层时,可以让Portfast全部启用。但注意在上连端口要关闭生成树 spanning-tree portfast default 如果启用了Portfast特性的端口接收了BPDU。 (接了交换机) 此时这个端口。将进入 (err-disable) 这种特性。可以防止网络环...
Does it do any harm to have "spanning-tree portfast default" configured globally on the root bridge switch which has uplinks (configured as non trunked ports) to other switches? Is it better to configure the uplink manually? If so how do you configure them?Enterprise...
Portfast Edge BPDU Guard Default is disabled Portfast Edge BPDU Filter Default is disabled Loopguard Default is disabled PVST Simulation Default is enabled but inactive inpvstmode Bridge Assurance is enabled but inactive inpvstmode Ether Channel misconfig guard is enabled ...