%SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARD_BLOCK: Loop guard blocking port Port-channel1 on VLAN0008 On the 6509 I have this Spanning-tree command: spanning-tree vlan 1,3-7,9-21,23-26,28-30,32,36,51-52,55,64,71,77 priority 8192 If I add vlan 8 I know it will solve the problem... but why is ...
Use thespanning-tree forward-timeGlobal Configuration mode command to configure the spanning-tree bridge forward time, which is the amount of time a port remains in the listening and learning states before entering the forwarding state. Use thenoform of this command to restore the defau...
active region-configuration 默认情况下在启用STP之后,H3C交换机使用的是MSTP。因此不需要执行stp mode mstp。 配置之后在Cisco交换机上执行show spanning-tree mst可以看到连接H3C的交换机的端口状态由p2p变为P2p Pre-STD-Rx。而且从H3C的网站上没有明确的文档说H3C的交换机支持MSTP的802.1d-2004标准,所以Cisco的交换...
spanning tree shuts down ports that are in aPortFast edge-operationalstate if any BPDU is received on them. In a valid configuration,PortFast edge-enabled portsdo not receive BPDUs. Receiving a BPDU on aPortFast edge-enabled portmeans ...
BPDU报文一共有两种:配置BPDU(configuration BPDU) 和TCN(topology change notification) 配置BPDU 2.1 交换网络在刚开始运行的阶段,所有交换机都会从所有的端口发送BPDU,大家都认为自己是root,随着BPDU的泛洪和收集,根据BPDU中的信息,交换机会算出一个结果。
Solved: Hi, I tried to understand a spanning tree setting on an old switch so that I can move it to a new switch. The configuration on the old switch is as below: spanning-tree mode mst spanning-tree extend system-id ! spanning-tree mst
如下图所示:在某些情况下,因为运行不同的协议,导致Cisco的spanning-tree生成树计算结果与Juniper的计算结果不一致,Cisco切断了左边端口,而Juniper切断了右边的端口。从而在平滑迁移过程中,Cisco和Juniper互联的临时线路被Spanning-tree完全阻断。 问题分析: 乍看之下,觉得两个完全不同的厂商协议,肯定没法互联互通。但是如...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于spanning-tree mst configuration的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及spanning-tree mst configuration问答内容。更多spanning-tree mst configuration相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和
使用Cisco Packet Tracer6.0 构建拓扑结构图 2. 实验内容 (1) 参阅教材中内容,完成PVST+的配置内容。 (2) 在各台交换机上使用show spanning-tree vlan 10 和show spanning-tree vlan 20 命令,查看根桥信息、各端口角色和各端口状态。 (3) 绘制VLAN10 的生成树图,标明各台Switch 的桥ID、根桥、根端口、指...
Spanning Tree Portfast (Cisco) SVI configuration (Cisco) Trunk port config (Huawei) Trunk port configuration (Cisco) VTP client mode (Cisco) VTP server mode (Cisco) VTP transparent mode (Cisco) VTP version 2 config (Cisco) VTP version 3 config (Cisco) ...