This lesson lists some common Spanish verbs ending in '-ir'. There are two separate lists: one for regular '-ir' verbs and another for irregular...
In everyday speech, however, it is common for such words to be made plural simply by addings. Thus it would not be uncommon to hear someone talk abouthindús. Read More Master Spanish Noun-Adjective Harmony By Gerald Erichsen Words Ending in a Consonant As is common in English, nouns end...
Well, that's a very happy ending for you and your family. Bueno, eso es un final muy feliz para ti y tu familia. But sometimes you got to fight for your happy ending. Pero a veces tienes que luchar por tu final feliz. And the best part is, it had a happy ending. Y la mejor...
Using ‘Ninguno’ and Related Words in Spanish Indefinite Pronouns Using 'Nadie' in Spanish Apocopation and the Clipping of Words in Spanish What Are Nouns and How Are They Used? How To Use Spanish Words Ending in ‘-quiera’ Saying ‘It’ in Spanish Formal and Informal ‘You’ ...
Smoke from the fire had completely covered the capital. Su escritorio estaba cubierto de carpetas y libros. His desk was covered with folders and books. To read about another pair of nouns whose meaning varies substantially depending on their gender and ending, come back next week...
Una cuchillais also used for cutting and may refer to the cutting part of a knife or of a piece of machinery. In these cases it is likely to translate asablade: Un milagro hizo que la cuchilla no le afectara ningún órgano vital. ...
The native Spanish speakers were then asked to assign the new words a gender. The words used in the study were designed to appear to be one gender according to their terminal phoneme. (ie. words ending in /o/ are generally masculine and words ending in /a/ are feminine) The definitions...
Modern Spanish has five simple vowels (a, o, e, i, u), a large number of diphthongs and triphthongs, and 18 consonants—16 hard and two soft (Ilandñ). Words ending in a vowel,n, orsare accented on the penultimate syllable (Dolores; canto, “song,”“singing”), and words endi...
What are feminine and masculine nouns in Spanish? Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns usually end with '-ma,' '-pa,' '-ta,' or a letter from the acronym LONERS. On the other hand, feminine words usually end in '-a,' '-ión,' '-dad,' '-tad,' and '...
Rule 1 – Words ending in a vowel, -s, or -nFor words ending in a vowel, an -s or an -n (the majority of words), the stress is on the penultimate syllable (the one before last). escucha hablamos grande palabra viven Rule 2 – All other words (without an accent)...