Se is needed when using reflexive verbs. For example, reflexive verbs use reflexive pronouns, like "myself," "yourself," and "themselves," to emphasize that the action is being performed by the same thing that is receiving it. In other words, the object of the sentence is the same as ...
Continuing our series of blog posts on Spanish nouns that can be either masculine or feminine depending on meaning we look atradio. You can listen to the pronunciation ofradioin the audio clip below: One of the fist exceptions that students learn to the rule that Spanish nouns ending in-o...
Moving to a potentially less relaxing form of travel (that is, by road),una cubierta(feminine) can also beatyreor, in the States,tire: unas cubiertas que se adaptan a la cantidad y tipo de nieve tyres which adapt to the type and quantity of snow Remember to make any ar...
Completed Actions in the Past Spanish past tense forms allow speakers to use a convenient verb ending to express for how long an action occurred, whether it is habitual, or whether it was completed. English still expresses these important distinctions, but often with a combination of verb tenses...
Their examination revealed that the insertion of French words was more common than of Spanish items, the alternation was most frequent in repetitions, and the congruent lexicalization was present at the grammatical and structural level. The speech of the individual participants was also analyzed, and...
We form Spanish adverbs (los adverbios) by adding the ending -mente to the feminine form of the adjective. Some adverbs have the same form as masculine singular adjectives. Learn to form Spanish adverbs correctly with Lingolia’s quick and easy examples,
Words ending in: Example: -a la vaca (cow), la cerveza (beer) -ción / -sión la imaginación (imagination), la tensión (tension) -ad la verdad (truth), la realidad (reality) -ez la niñez (childhood), la estupidez (stupidity) Words with the following endings are almost alw...
Spanish and Arabic coexisted side by side until the Moors were expelled in the 15th century AD. By then thousands of Arabic words had become part of Spanish. Many of them start with al-, the definite article in Arabic. Many Spanish place names can be traced to Arabic, e.g., Alhambra ...
And to ask if something is the matter: ¿Qué te ocurre?What’s the matter? It’s also very often used in the phraselo que ocurre es que…the trouble is (that)… Lo que ocurre es que el ministro se entiende con muy pocas personas que no sean de su partido.The trouble is the ...
Todos los champiñones deben estar frescos e intactos. All the (button) mushrooms should be fresh and whole. To pick over the meanings of another pair of nouns whose forms differ only in gender and ending, come back next week.