Word of the Day My Learning Path Follow your personalized plan to Spanish fluency. Lessons 3,971,064 Learn Spanish Introduce Yourself 0/8 lessons 🔥 Popular 1,896,288 Grammar Getting Started 0/6 lessons 31,582 Pronunciation Pronunciation of A ...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll Gets or sets the mode for the Spanish speller. C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSpanishSpeller SpanishMode { get; set; } Property Value WdSpanishSpeller The mode for the Spanish speller. Remarks Read/write. Setting this property ha...
In Microsoft Word, when you format text as Spanish (Mexico), Spanish is not enabled in the Microsoft Office language settings tool. Workaround To work around this problem, enable Spanish in the Office language settings tool. To do this, use one of...
Office for Mac Outlook PowerPoint Project Publisher Visio Word Overview Concepts Object model Overview AddIn object AddIns object Adjustments object Application object AutoCaption object AutoCaptions object AutoCorrect object AutoCorrectEntries object AutoCorrectEntry object AutoTextEntries object AutoTextEntry obje...
Spanish speakers often refer to their language asespañolas well ascastellano, which is the Spanish word for “Castilian.” The terms applied can differ from regionto region, and they can also reflect political and social views. In English, the term “Castilian Spanish” can be used to refer...
Anybody who has studied Spanish knows how frustrating it can be to discover that a word in a Spanish textbook may not be used in some Spanish-speaking countries at all, or have a different meaning. For instance, the word for ‘computer’ is el ordenador in Spain, but computadora in Latin...
Free online dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions.
I am using Microsoft Word 2013. I have Spanish (Mexico) installed as an editing language for proofing. However, only Spanish (Spain) shows up as a language for the Translator. How can I install the Spanish (Mexico) language and use that rather than Spanish (Spain) for translations? Thank...
The blue squiggles under contextual mistakes testify to the progress made in this area in Office 2007 (if you right-click on the word echo in the sentence “Lo ha echo muy bien", you will see that the speller correctly suggests hecho, as is shown in the examples below)....