Maria called to her friends to come outside to see the beautiful sunset.María llamó a sus amigos a salir a ver la hermosa puesta de sol. 25. (to visit) a. pasar Aunt Lupe is planning to call on us later today.Tía Lupe está planeando pasar a vernos hoy al rato. b. venir ...
Me alegra poder estar con mis amigos. | I am happy that I can be with my friends. Gracias a todos ustedes. | Thanks to all of you. Estoy agradecido por estar vivo. | I am thankful to be alive.Whether you have a lot or you don’t have much, be thankful for what you have. As...
See the entry forsólo. soló Preteriteél/ella/ustedconjugation ofsolar. solo alone USAGE NOTE For many years, the adverb sense of this word was written with an accent: "sólo." Nowadays, all senses of this word are written without an accent: "solo." ...
→ “This is my dog.” Esos de ahí son mis amigos. → “Those are my friends.” Aquel de allá es mi coche. → “That is my school.”The other main difference between Spanish and English demonstrative pronouns is the gender distinction, which applies to both singular and plural ...
6. Tu siempre pagabas la cena cuando salíamos con tus amigos. – You always paid for dinner when we went out with your friends. 7. Eran las tres de la tarde cuando Luis salió de casa. – It was three o’clock in the afternoon when Luis left the house. 8. Para ese entonces ten...
Creo que a vecesapenoa mis amigos con mi comportamiento imprudente. – I think I sometimesembarrassmy friends with my unwise behavior. The verb penar: To suffer In general, the Spanish verbpenaris used to indicate that there isdistress,suffering, orpain, which can bephysical or emotional. Le...
You are still free for lunch to eat with your school friends at any of the many restaurants near the school. You’ll love how inexpensive, yet delicious, restaurant food is in Peru. Suggestion: Bring a small gift from your home region for your host. (Your local airport is a great sourc...
Spanish and Latin AmericanTres Amigos
In conducting an analysis of this pronoun and given the fact that its referent is a human being, most studies have focused on the determination of the person(s) to which the word alludes. The referent3 of the first-person singular “yo” is commonly considered to be at the core of the...
Translate He/she calls. See 47 authoritative translations of He/she calls in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.