In Spanish, the upside-down exclamation point (¡) is used at the beginning of all exclamatory sentences and clauses. For example: ¡Hola! (Hello!) ¡Feliz cumpleaños! (Happy Birthday!) ¡Qué bonito! (How beautiful!)
The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to thelanguages of Spain. But they make a lot of sense: When you're reading in Spanish, you can tell long before the end of a sentence whether you're dealing with a question, something that isn't al...
), comma (,), and exclamation point (!) keys are in the same places on Spanish and English Mac keyboards. Spanish Mac Keyboard Learn more about Spanish punctuation with these articles! Spanish Punctuation What Is the Upside-Down Question Mark? What Is the Upside-Down Exclamation Point?
6. Develop your basic Spanish vocabulary LearningSpanish cognatescan feel like an easy place to start: These are words that look the same or similar in Spanish and English. From there, explorebasic Spanish words and phrasesthat will help you get your point across or your needs met. Set a w...
An upside-down question mark or exclamation point will start the sentence, and a right-side-up mark will end it. For example: ¡Qué suerte! (How lucky!) ¿Quieres cenar conmigo mañana? (Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow?) ...