The specifics can vary between regions, but the basic Spanish words we’ve included below are usually understood. Spanish English la bañera/la tina the bath/the tub unas botas boots la cama the bed la ducha the shower la escalera the staircase el fregadero the kitchen sink el inodoro/el...
English: Kitchen appliances en español por favor: Dinner is in the oven. La cena es en el horno. en español por favor: We eat at the kitchen table. Comemos en la mesa de la cocina. Translate the following into English: Cocino almuerzo todos los días. I cook lunch everyday....
cocina >kitchen mesero/a >waiter/waitress sal >salt pimienta >pepper entrante >the starter bebida >drink servilleta >napkin cubiertos >cutlery vaso >glass(cup) está crudo. >it's raw. está demaciado caliente/frio. >it's too hot/ cold. esto no es lo que habia pedido. >this is not ...
the dining room is next to the kitchen Add to list el comedor está al lado de la cocinaDictionarythe dining room is next to the kitchen ( thuh day - nihng rum ihz nehkst tu thuh kih - chihn) phrase 1. (general) a. el comedor está al lado de la cocina The dining room ...
The kitchen has utensils to prepare snacks, breakfasts or foods. La cocina tiene utensilios para preparar meriendas, desayunos o comidas. In the rooms there are TV, fridge with drinks and snacks. En las habitaciones hay TV, nevera con bebidas y aperitivos. At the Spirit Café you can enjoy...
Clothes in Spanish Vocabulary, List & Flashcards Spanish Family Vocabulary & Flashcards Spanish Furniture Words & Flashcards Spanish House Vocabulary Flashcards Spanish Household Items List & Flashcards Next Set Spanish Kitchen Words Flashcards Spanish Pets Flashcards Ch 10. Types of Food ...
Kitchen 11 words, Level 29 Plants 12 words, Level 29 Election 13 words, Level 30 Middle ages 12 words, Level 30 Verbs 18 12 words, Level 30 Pronouns 18 words, Level 30 In game 1 14 words, Level 31 Adverbs 2 12 words, Level 31 Farm 14 words, Level 31 Military 14 wo...
batería=battery: fromFrenchbatterie(originally referred to a battery ofkitchen utensilsmade with ahammer), frombattre, fromLatinbattere, battuere, seebatirbelow. batir= to hit, strike: fromLatinbattere, battuere, "to beat, strike," probably of Celtic origin. ...
The words are: plátano/banana, uvas/grapes, manzana/apple, limón/lemon, fresa/strawberry, piña/pineapple, cereza/cherries, sandía/watermelon, naranja/orange, pera/pear. Or go to the answers. Kitchen Utensils in SpanishLabel the kitchen utensils in Spanish, including the bowl, spatula, ...
077. Learn Spanish with Video - 5 Must-Know Spanish Words 2 03:21 078. Learn Mexican Spanish with Video - Talking About Your Daily Routine in Mexi 03:21 079. Learn Mexican Spanish with Video - Relaxing in the Evening with Mexican Spa 03:21 080. Learn Spanish - Spanish Kitchen Vocabulary...