Following, then, are the most common Spanish words used for places and items in the house. Note that many of the words can vary with region, and many of the words can have other meanings in other contexts. For example, whiledormitoriois a common word for bedroom, it also can refer to ...
The specifics can vary between regions, but the basic Spanish words we’ve included below are usually understood. Spanish English la bañera/la tina the bath/the tub unas botas boots la cama the bed la ducha the shower la escalera the staircase el fregadero the kitchen sink el inodoro/el...
Ch 9. Spanish Vocabulary for the Home Flashcards Clothes in Spanish Vocabulary, List & Flashcards Spanish Family Vocabulary & Flashcards Spanish Furniture Words & Flashcards Spanish House Vocabulary Flashcards Spanish Household Items List & Flashcards Spanish Kitchen Words Flashcards Next Set...
Kitchen items | SpanishEn el restaurantecocina, comida other words beginning with "C" cubierto in Englishcubo in Englishcubrir in Englishcucharón in Englishcuchillo in Englishcuello in English cuchara in other dictionaries cuchara in Arabiccuchara in Czechcuchara in Germancuchara in Frenchcuchara...
There is adiningtable and chairs for 10 people. Cocina independiente actualizada (20 m2 aprox), con acceso acomedor. Independent kitchen updated (20 m2 aprox), with access todining room. More examples Phrases Machine Translators Translatecomedorusing machine translators ...
How do you say "kitchen" in Spanish? How do you say "libro" in English? How do you say "light" in Spanish? How do you say "lizard" in Spanish? How do you say "look" in Spanish? How do you say "man" in Spanish? How do you say "meat" in Spanish? How do you say "monkey...
Reliability and validity indexes showed that our items display characteristics similar to those of other corpora. Overall, this new corpus of words provides a useful tool for scientists engaged in cognitive- and neuroscience-based research focused on examining language, memory, and object processing. ...
While menu items vary from restaurant to restaurant, of course, we’ve gathered some of the most commonly recurring dishes and ingredients to get you started. Deciphering a restaurant menu in Spanish won’t be a big deal at all once you’re familiar with the words and phrases below!
Ch 9. Spanish Vocabulary for the Home Flashcards Clothes in Spanish Vocabulary, List & Flashcards Spanish Family Vocabulary & Flashcards Spanish Furniture Words & Flashcards Spanish House Vocabulary Flashcards Spanish Household Items List & Flashcards Next Set Spanish Kitchen Words Flashcards ...
Match 10 Spanish fruit vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: plátano/banana, uvas/grapes, manzana/apple, limón/lemon, fresa/strawberry, piña/pineapple, cereza/cherries, sandía/watermelon, naranja/orange, pera/pear. Or go to the answers. Kitchen Utensils in SpanishLabel the ...