In 2019, there were a few changes made to the exams in both associations. Up until 2018, the CTTIC exam was held on the same Saturday in May throughout the whole of Canada. This year, STIBC started offering the exam once a month on the first Friday of each month. This means you do...
I’ve been learning Spanish for seven years. I’m now fluent and living in Lima, Peru where I speak it every day, and am preparing to take the C1DELE examin November. All this to say, I have more experience researching, trying out, hating and loving Spanish resources than the average ...
Bearing these statements in mind, one might think that perhaps in the LETRA exam participants may feel self-conscious or afraid of not knowing how to negotiate meaning on the grounds that they feel pressured speaking to a native and also being evaluated. It is noteworthy that the OILK is ...
The original version of the MSES is written in the English language and consists of 52 items presented on a Likert scale form and asks participants to range answers from 1 (“no confidence at all”) to 10 (“complete confidence”). The MSES measures three dimensions of mathematical self-effi...
The search for overarching factors involved in both sport and broader lifestyle and achievement domains may help to understand the early drop-out phenomenon. This study aimed to analyze the association between early sport drop-out and strategic learning