I’ve been learning Spanish for seven years. I’m now fluent and living in Lima, Peru where I speak it every day, and am preparing to take the C1DELE examin November. All this to say, I have more experience researching, trying out, hating and loving Spanish resources than the average ...
With her help I was able to score well on every kind of assessment and test – 5 exams, including a brutal final, multiple choice, fill in the blank, short-answer – as well as 3 – 250 word mini-papers in Spanish, and 3 – several-minute-long oral presentations in Spanish. In the...
Tom and Mary gave exactly the same answers on the test which made the teacher suspicious. At his final exam, Bob was really put through the wringer; the test covered everything that was in the course. You should have the test done again. The result may have been a false positive. ...
All the participants passed the oral interaction test of the LETRA exam, except for two participants: PAR10, the youngest participant, who has spent the least amount of time in Spain and in learning the language, although she has passed the exam, thanks to her performance in the rest of ...
An average of all answers was calculated. We also evaluated the acceptance of verbal passives with a displaced agent, which would indicate that speakers know that these sentences allow an agent introduced by the preposition por. Adjectival passives with the displaced agent are even less frequent ...
The search for overarching factors involved in both sport and broader lifestyle and achievement domains may help to understand the early drop-out phenomenon. This study aimed to analyze the association between early sport drop-out and strategic learning