助推器15准备就绪,迎接星舰第8次飞行前的测试 | SpaceX Boca Chica | 作者: NASASpaceflight | 中文机翻 13:04 FAA文件披露:SpaceX 星舰巨型计划! 米克狼基萝 795 1 【航天】星舰8号的大问题:FAA对星舰爆炸发布错误信息!发射暂停直到... 长风42 454 0 为什么SpaceX认为他们需要新的星舰推进器? 米克狼...
页5: "In early 2021, SpaceX began the process to apply for a launch vehicle operator license to conduct a limited number of Starship/Super Heavy orbital launch operations, along with additional Starship suborbital test launches that could be needed" 页5: "June 13, 2022, FAA issued a final ...
空中俯拍SpaceX Boca Chica发射场。闪闪发光的不锈钢舰体硕大无比,像极了科幻片里的场景。 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转 aû收藏 2 2 ñ11 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关...
SpaceX launches new crew to international space station The multicultural astronaut crew of four are expected to land at the International Space Station this morning. 2 years ago SpaceX sued by Justice Department over alleged asylee, refugee discrimination ...
本周日(10月13日),德州当地时间早上7点25分,SpaceX公司的新一代重型运载火箭“星舰”(Starship)在德克萨斯州博卡奇卡(Boca Chica, Texas)进行了第5次试飞。 “星舰”(Starship)在发射升空约2分多钟后,一级猎鹰超重型火箭(Super Heavy...
View Launches Booster 4 First Super Heavy booster to complete a cryogenic proof test at the Orbital Launch Pad, as well as the first full stack cryogenic proof test for a Starship vehicle. Booster 4 is now on display at SpaceX's Rocket Garden in Boca Chica. Serial Booster 4 Status ret...
9月 14 日消息,SpaceX 正在美国得克萨斯州博卡奇卡(Boca Chica)小镇研发运载火箭和星际飞船,这引得埃隆・马斯克的崇拜者们成群结队地来到这个偏僻的地方,他们希望亲眼见证 SpaceX 殖民太空的过程。 星际飞船试射引来铁杆粉丝 佛罗里达州居民安东尼・戈麦斯(Anthony Gomez)首次看到星际飞船原型发射的过程是在投影仪上...
SpaceX's Starship launches from Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas, Thursday, April 20, 2023. The giant new rocket exploded minutes after blasting off on it first test flight and crashed into the Gulf of Mexico. Eric Gay | AP The Starship rocket suffered a mid-flight failure roughly 4 minutes...
Throngs of spectators watched from South Padre Island, several miles away from the Boca Chica Beach launch site, which was off limits. As it lifted off, the crowd screamed: “Go, baby, go!” The company plans to useStarshipto send people and cargo to the moon and, eventually, Mars. NA...
SpaceX’s mega rocket Starship launches for it’s third test flight from Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas, Thursday, March 14, 2024. (AP Photo/Eric Gay) 8 of 8 | In this image from video provided by SpaceX, the company’s Starship re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere on Thursday, March...