3月14日早上,这艘无人飞船从得克萨斯州博卡奇卡(Boca Chica)的SpaceX星际基地发射升空。星舰长约50米,计划于未来某日载着NASA宇航员登陆月球。它与被称为助推器的贮箱分离,随后向东南方向弧线进入太空。越过非洲东部海岸上空后,星舰开始下降,以五倍于音速的速度穿过大气层,形成了一层过热等离子体。要不是有...
美国太空探索技术公司周四表示,美国SpaceX公司进行了“星舰”火箭的第三次试飞,但在重返印度洋上空时失去了联系。 The rocket lifted off at 8:25 am Central Time from SpaceX's Starbase test site in Boca Chica, Texas. 这艘无人飞船于当地时间上午8点25分在该公司位于德克萨斯州博卡奇卡的基地成功发射。
Elon Musk’s SpaceX is about to take its most daring leap yet with a round-the-world test flight of its mammoth Starship. Monday's launch attempt was called off because of a stuck valve in the first-stage booster and there could be another try this week.
页4: "Since the FAA issued the ROD approving development of the site, SpaceX has invested more than $3 billion into developing the Boca Chica launch facility and Starship/Super Heavy launch system." 页6: "If the Court were to rule in Plaintiffs’ favor, the FAA’s decision could be se...
而SpaceX的航天和发射中心,博卡奇卡发射场(Boca Chica launch site),正好就是出租屋的所在地。 马斯克要在火星退休 如今,马斯克的“火星梦”几乎已经是广为流传。 如果说2001年的火星绿洲计划还只是一个雏形的话,他在2007年则正式宣布: 最终目标就是实现人类探索和火星定居。
The two-stage spacecraft, consisting of the Starship cruisevessel mounted atopitstoweringSuper Heavy rocketbooster,blasted offfrom the Elon Musk-owned company's Starbase launch site near Boca Chica Village on the south Texas Gulf Coast. 这艘由星舰巡航器和其庞...
SpaceX has called off the first launch attempt of its giant rocket. Elon Musk's company had planned to fly the nearly 400-foot Starship rocket Monday morning from the southern tip of Texas, near the Mexican border. But SpaceX postponed the launch after a
The Monday morning launch of Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship rocket from Boca Chica, Texas, was delayed due to a pressurization issue. 2 years ago SpaceX scrubs test launch of Starship rocket The launch was changed to a wet dress rehearsal and the launch could be rescheduled for Wednesday....
Space.com's Josh Dinner captured this photo of SpaceX's second Starship test launch from Boca Chica, Texas on Nov. 18, 2023.(Image credit: Future/Josh Dinner) "Seeing Starship launch in person was incredible," Space.com's Josh Dinner said of the sight. Dinner captured photos of the Sta...
SpaceX officially broke ground on the facility, on Monday (Sept. 22) in Brownsville, Texas. The new launch site will be located near Boca Chica Beach, at the far southern tip of the Lone Star State. "We appreciate the leadership of [Texas] Governor Rick Perry and numerous other federal,...