Empower Conference At Empower, we want to inspire you to share Jesus where you are with who you know. Learn More Missions Mobilization One of the reasons that the SBTC exists is to mobilize churches for the purpose of making disciples around the world. We now offer limited, one-time grants...
SOUTHERN Baptist ConventionBAPTISTSRELIGIOUS experiencePRESENCE of GodRESEARCH personnelSOCIAL influenceResearchers studying religious experience have identified callings as a particularly salient context in which believers describe God's presence. They have noted standard elements that mak...
A DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS OF SOUTHERN BAPTIST MISSIONS AMONG HISPANICS IN KENTUCKY Jonathan Paul Young, D.Miss. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013 Chair: Dr. M. David Sills Chapter 1 examines the Hispanic community in the United States then in Kentucky. It provides an overview of the hi...
All According to God's Plan: Southern Baptist Missions and Race, 1945-1970 Southern Baptists had long considered themselves a missionary people, but when, after World War II, they embarked on a dramatic expansion of missionary eff... CF Williams,AS Willis - 《Journal of Southern History》 被...
All According to God's Plan: Southern Baptist Missions and Race, 1945-1970. By Alan Scot Willis...Story, RonaldSouth Carolina Historical SocietySouth Carolina Historical Magazine
The Story of Asenath Brewster: Pioneer in Urban Missions and Mentor of Southern Baptist Leaders: By the Time Asenath Brewster Was Thirty-Two Years Old in 1911, She Had Taken a Leading Role in Sending Her Denomination's First Missionaries Abroad and in Forming Its Women's Missionary Organization...
Baptist and other Protestant missions began working there. The consolidation of colonialism and the new challenges facing African society gave mission activity renewed vitality, and throughout the region Black education and health remained largely the responsibility of Christian missions until after World ...
the Baptist Jointcommittee on Public Affairs; the Southern Baptistconvention; the General Conference of Seventh-dayadventists; the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,amici Curiae.united States Senator Orrin G. Hatch; the Church of Jesuschrist of Latter-day Saints; Catholic League for Religiousand...
"'We have taught our children to love the Negroes in Africa,'" a Southern Baptist woman missionary leader wrote shortly after the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954; "'Now is the time to be specific and teach them to love the Negroes around them'" (p. 109). Alan Scot ...
Religion Outcomes of Southern Baptist short-term missions among the Sukuma people and implications for future short-term initiatives THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY George H. Martin BledsoeJames WesleyThis dissertation examines the realities from the receiving end of short-term volunteer mission ...