Missions Mobilization One of the reasons that the SBTC exists is to mobilize churches for the purpose of making disciples around the world. We now offer limited, one-time grants for pastors of affiliated churches towards direct missional engagements and partnerships around the world. ...
SOUTHERN Baptist ConventionBAPTISTSRELIGIOUS experiencePRESENCE of GodRESEARCH personnelSOCIAL influenceResearchers studying religious experience have identified callings as a particularly salient context in which believers describe God's presence. They have noted standard elements that mak...
Evan Webster | February 9, 2025 All Messages ••••••••• Discipleship Groups Discipleship is very important to us and we have a number of groups that you can plug in with. So whether you are looking for a Sunday school class, a home group, a support group, or som...
I could have titled this piece “Southern Baptists are at a Crossroads.” Southern Baptists have faced many crossroads in their history. Yet where things sit for Southern Baptists in June 2021 isn’t a crossroads moment, but a fork-in-the-road moment. ...
On January 27, 2019 Dr. J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) preached a sermon to his congregation titled “How the fall affected us all.”1The message has been viewed multiple times by many, and deep concern has been voiced over his non-biblical treatment of ...
A DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS OF SOUTHERN BAPTIST MISSIONS AMONG HISPANICS IN KENTUCKY Jonathan Paul Young, D.Miss. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013 Chair: Dr. M. David Sills Chapter 1 examines the Hispanic community in the United States then in Kentucky. It provides an overview of the hi...
For Baptists interested in preserving ties with the SBC center, going too far to the left was prohibitive. Moderate women like Marshall-Green, Anne Neil, and Nancy Sehested appealed to the Baptist tradition of dissent and the importance of women in Baptist life, particularly in missions. With ...
All According to God's Plan: Southern Baptist Missions and Race, 1945-1970. By Alan Scot Willis...Story, RonaldSouth Carolina Historical SocietySouth Carolina Historical Magazine
Isaac Taylor Tichenor: The Creation of the Baptist New South All According to God's Plan: Southern Baptist Missions and Race, 1945-1970.All According to God's Plan: Southern Baptist Missions and Race, ... Thomas Pinckney, a former executive for the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation'...
Baptist work began in Cuba in 1878 with the return of a Cuban exile Alberto Diaz. The Florida Baptist Convention's Board of Mission was the first Southern Baptist entity to be involved with Cuban Baptists followed by the Home Mission Boa... JC Morris - 《Global Missiology English》 被引量...