Mike Law, pastor of Arlington Baptist Church in Virginia and author of the amendment, cited a report that there are about 1,800 women pastors working in the denomination. He cited Bible verses limiting the pastoral office to men while saying women can serve in other roles. “Our culture may...
The Owasso Gospel Oprymakes it's home at Friendship Baptist Church in Owasso, Oklahoma. Financially supported by individuals and businesses in the Owasso area, TOGO's purpose is to bring glory to God, by presenting the Gospel message in song, edifying the saints and telling the world about...
At Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga., where Carter taught Sunday school, 10 percent of the budget went to mission work - 5 percent to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and 5 percent to the Southern Baptist Convention’s mission work, Carter said. ‘’Our church is still a...
The Rev. Charlie Dates of the Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, one of the pastors who have already severed ties, said the November statement was “the last straw.” “When did the theological architects of American slavery develop the moral character to tell the church how it should...
As the 1970s progressed, Land, Lewis and thousands of individual Southern Baptists — including the organization Southern Baptists for Life — argued for protecting unborn life in all cases except to save the physical life of the mother. Among non-Southern Baptists, apologist Francis Schaeffer an...
Additionally the number and organization of icons on your desktop also may have psychological significance. Along with Dawson and McGannon, writers Jeff Wysaski from pleated-jeans.com and Sophie Daste from Sparklife have offered their take on the different kinds of desktops people use. These along...
I was in elementary school when the 16thStreet Baptist Church was bombed by Klansmen. That was the same year that Wallace was grandstanding in the schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama to symbolically block the entrance to Black students. It was the time of the Selma marches; the thir...
In addition, the Group Environment Scale was administered to assess the effects of group cohesiveness, leadership, task orientation, and organization. Group discussions were analyzed for themes relevant to decision-making. In general, group decisions were influenced by the certainty and reflection ...
Although it references Christianity in its title, the organization was developed as a nonsectarian, non-religious outfit. It was created as an offshoot of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), which had spearheaded the revolutionary boycott of the segregated bus system in Montgomery, Alabama,...
Edge’s generosity, humor, and razor-sharp observations are the ideal representation of everything the organization has come to mean for the region and the wider food culture. John T. has the uncanny ability to make the connections, whatever and wherever they might be. His ability to remember...