We believe in making a joyful noise unto the Lord, so we are unapologetic in our festive worship to the Lord. We welcome you to join with us! Take time to browse the information regarding our church including our ministries, sermons, and upcoming events. We encourage you to catch the exci...
Welcome to Immanuel Southern Baptist Church We at ISBC invite you to worship with us! No matter where you are at on life’s journey, you are welcome here! Immanuel is a Hebrew word that means “God with us”. That is what we proclaim at Immanuel Southern, that God became flesh and dw...
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Associate/Student Pastor Position "Potosi Southern Baptist Church is a Bible believing and Bible teaching body of Christ. We are followers of Jesus Christ and are part of the Missouri Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Convention of believers.
1859年夏天,美国南方浸信会(Southern Baptist Convention,简称SBC)从纽约派遣的传教士花雅各(James Landrum Holmes,1836- 1861)夫妇到达烟台,两人成为最早来到烟台传教的基督教新教传教士,最初在西郊珠玑村传教。1861年花雅各和美国圣公会贝克尔牧师(T.M.Parker)因劝阻捻军进攻烟台在西郊遇害,花雅各遗体被安葬于崆峒...
The Connection Church is a contemporary Southern Baptist Church made up of ordinary imperfect people meeting together to worship our awesome, perfect, sovereign God.
Southern Calvert Baptist Church is dedicated to vibrant worship, authentic fellowship, biblical preaching, meaningful ministries, and engaging children's activities. We believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. The Bible teaches that God connects w
Find a Group Southern Oaks Baptist Church 601 E Amherst Drive, Tyler, TX US 75701
Looking for a church to attend or to serve with? RBA connects 45 Southern Baptist churches in Randolph County, NC.
Good Friday 7 Last Words Services 132 SBCeverywhere Live Stream TheSouthernBaptistChurchApril 15, 2022 10:31 pm Southern Baptist Church presents, the 7 last words of Christ from the cross. 7 ministers, 7 messages in 7 minutes from 7 major cities. Guest... ...