What your South Node means in astrology describes the people you've been before you arrived in this life, as well as the qualities you should to leave behind.
Astrology, Astrology Charts, Love Signs, Rising Sign Calculator, Retrograde Motion, Twelve Houses, Yod, Kite, Grand Trine, Grand Square, T-square, Moon Signs
In astrology, eachsign of the zodiac circlealso exists on an axis in partnership with the sign opposing it. Seemingly opposite to one other, yet each the antidote to the other, they are different sides of the same coin. The same complementary relationship is true of the lunar nodes. Our l...
Astrology that uses the North Node and South Node of the moon and traditional planets to determine and understand karmic fulfillment and past karmic strengths. Astrology that uses the Nodes of the moon and moon sign to understand relationship strengths, weaknesses and compatibility ...
There are some very interesting connections between our rulers of SN and NN. I think last time I counted, there were 14 conjunctions of rulers and nodes. lol His Sun-Moon-conjunction also conjuncts my Sun-Mercury almost exactly (jip, we are having the infamour Sun-Moon-conjunction, just ...
Lunar Node book, Kathy Allan astrologer, moon's node delineation, improved astrology reading, North Node, South Node