These two aspects are not planets, but the points where the moon's orbit pierced through the plane of ecliptic when you were born. Together, they're known as the lunar nodes. The North Node describes the person you should work on becoming while your South ...
Although exploring, embodying, and expressing the entirety of our birth chart—and, in truth, the entirety of who we are—could be seen as our ultimate purpose in life, the nodes offer specific indicators that speak to our unique purpose and meaning in life. In many schools of astrology, ...
The top of the head. Edge Give an intense or sharp quality to The bitterness that edged her voice Vertex In astrology, the highest point reached in the apparent motion of a celestial body. Edge Strike (the ball) with the edge of the bat; strike a ball delivered by (the bowler) with ...
2025, as the lunar nodes enter new signs and a new chapter. Thelunar nodes, which comprise the north node and south node, are considered points of direction and destiny. The exact points in space where the ecliptic, or the Sun’s apparent orbit intersects that of the Moon. These points ...
InAstrology,Eclipse It’s that time of year again—eclipse season is here, and the stars are set to stir up fated encounters that will change the course of your love life forever. Over the next few weeks, the lunar nodes of fate will align with the sun and moon to create two powerful...
This slowdown is commonly referred to in astrology as driving with the parking brake on. It's not like you can't move forward, it just feels strange, might smell a little bad but nonetheless, you are still moving forward until you stop driving with the parking brake on. Since the parking...
Innumerology, the answers (as you might guess) are in the numbers. Numbers can help you break down the patterns of the Universe and uncover important information about the cosmos’ plan for you. It can also give you the ability to recognize specific obstacles that are in your path, helping...
“Black Moon Lilith is not a planet, it’s a point in space,”Adama Sesay, astrologer and author of the upcomingBlack Moon Lilith™ RisingBook and Cosmic Oracle Cards, says. “I like to compare it to theNorthandSouth Nodesof the Moon (Rahu/Ketu) to provide clarity. Although they don...
Bitcoin Consensus Rules are rules that allow nodes in the Bitcoin network to maintain Bitcoin consensus. Bitcoin consensus is a state when most nodes in the Bitcoin network all have the same blocks in their locally-validated best block chain. ...
“Early symptoms, say in the first couple of months, are consistent with … a summer flu,” Wendy Adams, research grant director and advisory board member ofBay Area Lyme Foundation, tells “If you ask clinicians in the Northeast (where Lyme disease is common), they’ll go, ...