Chinese premier tells Japan not to interfere in South China Sea issue Lao PM voices support for China's stance on South China Sea arbitration Cambodia supports settlement of South China Sea disputes via dialogue, consultation: PM In pics: Emergency drill held near Sansha in South China Sea...
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TRUTH BEYOND THE WAVES 5: Does China disrespect international law? Duterte offers talks with China on South China Sea dispute Xi: China rejects any proposition or action based on South China Sea arbitration Crossover: Tribunal has no law enforcement power ...
This article first highlights in Part I the procedural posture of the South China Sea Arbitration (the Philippines v. China) case and the affirmative duty of the Arbitral Tribunal under Article 9 of Annex VII to the UNCLOS, faced with the absence of China, to investigate conscientiously its ...
Seun Sam, a policy analyst at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, told Xinhua in a recent interview that the so-called South China Sea arbitration, unilaterally initiated by the Philippines, are "not effective at all" in resolving the South China Sea issue between China and the Philippines. ...
【翻译硕士-热词翻译】南海仲裁案(South China Sea arbitration) 常设仲裁法庭(Permanent Court of Arbitration ,PCA) 管辖权(Jurisdiction) 《南海各方行为宣言》(Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea)联合国海洋公约 (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)) ...
所谓的仲裁(arbitration)是一种替代性纠纷解决方式(alternativedisputeresolution),参与仲裁的各方为arbitrators,进行仲裁的法庭叫arbitraltribunal,最后做出的裁决叫award,仲裁庭做出裁决可以用issue an award表示。 关于南海仲裁案(South China Sea arbitration),我们需要了解几个关键词: 常设仲裁法庭(Permanent Court of A...
The South China Sea Arbitration has been a complete political farce staged in a black box. In this particular case, the tribunal’s foundation lacks validity and jurisdiction. The verdict clearly symbolizes an abuse of power, and therefore it does not have any legal backing. ...
The South China Sea Arbitration between the Philippines and China concerned an application by the Philippines for rulings in respect of four matters concerning the relationship between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea. First, the Philippines sought a ruling on the source of the Par...
Arbitration on the South China Sea initiated unilaterally by the Philippines is a possible abuse of international law, Cai Congyan, international law professor at Xiamen University and visiting scholar at Humboldt University told Xinhua here in a recent interview. Cai said: "The Philippines' ...