应菲律宾共和国单方面请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭(以下简称“仲裁庭”)于2016年6月29日对外称,将于2016年7月12日公布所谓最终裁决。我想再次强调的是,仲裁庭对本案及有关事项无管辖权,不应进行审理并作出裁决。 The Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration established at the unilateral request of...
发表于2016年7月13日作者danke 在上周7月5日的文章里,我们就分享了有关菲律宾南海闹剧的一些新闻热词,包括所谓仲裁庭的名称和仲裁相关的一些词汇,感兴趣的可以移步至:南海仲裁案英语热词| The South China Sea arbitration 今天是7月12日,是菲律宾南海闹剧案,也就是南海仲裁案的裁决的日子,一下子朋友圈都火爆了...
Arbitration on the South China Sea initiated unilaterally by the Philippines is a possible abuse of international law, Cai Congyan, international law professor at Xiamen University and visiting scholar at Humboldt University told Xinhua here in a recent interview. Cai said: "The Philippines' unilateral...
2016-07-18 17:44:06 | Editor: huaxia SINGAPORE, July 18 (Xinhua) -- The ad-hoc arbitral tribunal lost its own face in the South China Sea arbitration with the lack of political wisdom, and countries would return to negotiations to solve disputes, an Indian expert said here Monday. Swar...
South China Sea ArbitrationIn its Award of 29 October 2015 on Jurisdiction and Admissibility the Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration between the Philippines and China reserved condoi:10.2139/ssrn.3180037Talmon, Stefan A. GSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
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Bilateral negotiation is the best way as arbitration is not a choice for China and other claimants to settle their disputes over the South China Sea islands, a senior Chinese diplomat said in Houston Friday.
A study on the South China Sea arbitration awards, compiled by the Chinese Society of International Law (CSIL), was published by the Foreign Languages Press Monday.
According to the expert, the so-called South China Sea arbitration of 2016 is a "chaotic and manipulative use of international law," "a case of double standards," and "a legal trick." The "legal trick" concerns paragraph 3 in Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of ...
(/年) 文献信息 篇名South China Sea Arbitration: The International Law, International Relations and National Interest Concerns from a Chinese Perspective 来源期刊亚太安全与海洋研究学科社会科学 关键词《亚太安全与海洋研究》英文摘要期刊编辑工作 年,卷(期)2016,(2)所属期刊栏目 ...