Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT) +1030 UTC UTC/GMT is 07:32 on 2025年2月2日 Difference from your location: 2.5hoursaheadofUnknown, China DST Time Zone Map Daylight Saving Time Starts On October 6, 2024 at 02:00 上午 Set Your Clock ...
South Australia is in the Australian Central Time Zone The Current Time in South Australia is: Tuesday 1/21/2025 1:01 PM UTC+10:30 South Australia Standard Time is UTC/GMT + 9:30 During Daylight Saving Time South Australia is UTC/GMT + 10:30 ...
Current Local Time in Whyalla, South Australia, Australia 123691245781011 12時49分12秒ACDT 2025年1月18日星期六 Country:Australia State:South Australia (SA) Lat/Long:33°02'S / 137°34'E Elevation:23 m Currency:Australian Dollar (AUD) Languages:English Country Code:+61...
Current Local Time in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 12369 1245781011 22時07分35秒ACDT 2025年1月30日星期四 Country:Australia State:South Australia (SA) Lat/Long:34°56'S / 138°36'E Elevation:62 m Currency:Australian Dollar (AUD) Languages:English Country Code:+61...
Adelaide, South Australia Daylight Time - is abbreviated as (ACDT) Australian Central Daylight Time UTC - GMT Offset Adelaide, South Australia is GMT/UTC + 9:30h during Standard Time Adelaide, South Australia is GMT/UTC + 10:30h during Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time Usage Adelaid...
Current Timezone :Australian Central Daylight Time ( South Australia )( ACDT ) Country Timezone Info :Time Zone Info forAustralia GMT / UTC Offset : Standard UTC Offset :UTC + 09:30 DST UTC Offset :UTC + 10:30 Current UTC Offset :UTC + 10:30 ...
Current local time in South Kolan, Australia. Time zones AEST, Australian Eastern Standard Time, Australia/Brisbane. South Kolan UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
Current local time in South Launceston, Australia. Time zones AEDT, Australian Eastern Daylight Time, Australia/Hobart. South Launceston UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving, facts and alternative names
Use this time zone converter to quickly calculate the correct time that an event in New South Wales, Australia will take place in your local time.In New South Wales, Australia,when it is: 22:00 2025年1月30日 observing Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) ...
Current Timezone :Australian Eastern Daylight Time ( New South Wales )( AEDT ) Country Timezone Info :Time Zone Info forAustralia GMT / UTC Offset : Standard UTC Offset :UTC + 10:00 DST UTC Offset :UTC + 11:00 Current UTC Offset :UTC + 11:00 ...