The Head of the Bight - You know that - it's a right of passage almost when travelling Australia. Between June and October the area is frequented by Southern Right Whales and you can literally watch them frolic in the water before you. A great reward when travelling the Nullabor....
More information about Australia Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is located between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean in the Southern hemisphere. The capital city of Australia isCanberra, its official language is English and it has a population of 23 to 24 million. 80 pe...
It makes sense, too, when you think about it. All the states that have daylight saving are in the southern half of Australia. In the northern states the day length does not vary as much. Western Australia is an exception, it spans the whole continent from south to north. Western Australi...
AbbreviationTime zone nameOther namesOffset CCTCocos Islands TimeUTC +6:30 EATEast Africa TimeUTC +3 IOTIndian Chagos TimeUTC +6 TFTFrench Southern and Antarctic TimeUTC +5 Time zones Tools Time Zone Converter International Meeting Planner
TFTFrench Southern and Antarctic Time KIT – Kerguelen (Islands) TimeIndian Ocean UTC +5 TJTTajikistan TimeAsia UTC +5 TKTTokelau TimePacific UTC +13 TLTEast Timor TimeAsia UTC +9 TMTTurkmenistan TimeAsia UTC +5 TOSTTonga Summer TimePacific ...
Gail Caldwell, Globe Staff
Evidence for transoceanic migrations by loggerhead sea turtles in the southern Pacific Ocean Post-hatchling loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the northern Pacific and northern Atlantic Oceans undertake transoceanic developmental migrations. S... MC Boyle,NN Fitzsimmons,CJ Limpus,... - 《Proceedings...
Phylogeography uses the spatial distribution of genealogical lineages to deduce the influence of historical processes on the evolution of species, and can be informative in regard to location of refugia during extreme climatic conditions. Southern Australia is an ancient landscape with generally low geolog...
Also known as: KIT – Kerguelen (Islands) Time Currently observing TFT. Areas with same time currently (UTC +5). French Southern and Antarctic Time (TFT) is 5 hours ahead ofCoordinated Universal Time(UTC). This time zone is in use duringstandard timein:Indian Ocean. ...
In this paper, to address data shortcomings over one region in the Global South, we focus on the South American Southern Cone using 20 years of satellite-based land cover estimates. In doing so, we aim to better characterize and understand the environmental impacts and consequences of land use...