Other sources of provitamin A carotenoids also include various medicinal plants and herbs, cereals, and specific vegetable oils. Studies often use high doses of vitamin A. However, such high doses can be toxic. A doctor should monitor any high-dose therapy (any dose approaching the level of ...
Nutrient sources of provitamin A carotenoids.Presents the nutrient sources of provitamin A carotenoids. Results of a survey in the United States (US) indicating that carrots contribute to 30 percent of the total population intake of the vitamin....
Recent changes in databases or food habits might change some rankings, but are unlikely to change the items in a list covering the top 90% of provitamin A intake. Questionnaires should include the important sources and exclude trivial sources, to minimize misclassification....
Algae have been part of the human diet for thousands of years, based on archaeological evidence from 14,000 yBP in Chile (Dillehay et al.2008) and early written accounts (e.g., in China, 300 A.D.; in Ireland, 600 A.D.; Newton1951; Tseng1981; Aaronson1986; Turner2003; Gantar and ...
Micronesian banana, taro, and other foods: newly recognized sources of provitamin A and other carotenoids Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 16, 3-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0889-1575(02)00133-3Englberger, L.; Schierle, J.; Marks, G. C.; Fitzgerald, M. H. Micronesian ...
Apart from the central functions in plants and other photosynthetic microbes, CARs play essential roles by providing a dietary source of provitamin A (e.g., α- and β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin). Moreover, the antioxidant activities of CARs regulate oxidative stress (stabilize cellular membrane...
Also noteworthy is the provitamin A activity of some carotenoids, because, when converted into vitamin A, they become responsible for the formation and maturation of epithelial cells; promote proliferation; regulate thymocyte apoptosis; participate in the regulation of the differentiation, maturation and ...
Beyond their function as naturally occurring colors, carotenoids are beneficial to human health because they function as bioactive substances with provitamin-A properties (β-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin) and strong antioxidant activity. Similarly, chlorophylls possess antimutagenic and antioxidant properties...
Chemical similarities and structural differences between cholesterol, ergosterol (provitamin D2) and plant sterols. Listed characteristics include mean mass, molecular formula, number of double bounds, position of double bounds, and alkyl group present at C24 (none, methyl, or ethyl). Sterol Name ...