Black Blood (黒血, Kokketsu) (Former): While in resonance to Soul, Maka has access to black blood with Soul Eater.[94] Under it's influence, she has greater strength that makes her capable of tossing Crona into a arch structure, destroying it in the process.[94] She also managed to...
『COS』】Soul Eater噬魂师maka 只看楼主收藏回复 病名为爱 人气楷模 13 CNMAKA:双岚 SOUL:西宁 KID:步小纪 PS:双岚 摄影:总之种子 送TA礼物 1楼2009-05-26 15:56回复 病名为爱 人气楷模 13 1 2楼2009-05-26 15:59 回复 病名为爱 人气楷模 13 1 3楼2009-05-26 15:59 回复 病...
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↑Soul Eater NOT!Manga: Chapter 4 ↑Soul EaterManga: Chapter 107 ↑Soul EaterManga: Chapter 112 -Crona: “I just want to repay you, Maka. You’ve always given me courage. You understand, right Soul?” Chapter 113. Soul: “Thanks to you, I stopped running from my problems. This is ...
Maka Albarn: "I refuse to let my fear control me anymore." Maka Albarn: "I'm going to become stronger!" Maka Albarn: "It doesn't hurt! It's not hot! I'm not scared! I will not be beaten!" Maka Albarn: "Figure Six Hunter!" Maka Albarn: "Papa was only 18 years old when I...
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