Soul Eater: "Not Cool Maka!" Soul Eater: "YOU IDIOT, Of course we're still friends!" Soul Eater: "Back away! I won't let you touch my Meister!!" Soul Eater: "The fear of interacting with people...even I understand that one." Soul Eater: "As a cool guy, I'm used to seeing...
Black Blood (黒血, Kokketsu) (Former): While in resonance to Soul, Maka has access to black blood with Soul Eater.[94] Under it's influence, she has greater strength that makes her capable of tossing Crona into a arch structure, destroying it in the process.[94] She also managed to...
在线看Soul Eater | Пожирательдуш | Maka Alban |.. 6秒。2018 4月 2的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 13701 — 已浏览。 192 — 已评价。
↑(Yen Press)Soul EaterChapter 56 —Mosquito:...Perhaps I should properly address you as the impostor who goes by the name of "Eibon". ↑(Yen Press)Soul EaterManga: Chapter 82 —The The Table of Contents:In the end, Noah performed the task that was set out to him...he used the...
『COS』】Soul Eater噬魂师maka 只看楼主收藏回复 病名为爱 人气楷模 13 CNMAKA:双岚 SOUL:西宁 KID:步小纪 PS:双岚 摄影:总之种子 送TA礼物 1楼2009-05-26 15:56回复 病名为爱 人气楷模 13 1 2楼2009-05-26 15:59 回复 病名为爱 人气楷模 13 1 3楼2009-05-26 15:59 回复 病...
Maka - Soul Eater Follow me on Twitter twitter/joshyjosh_j #紫背万年青 #噬魂者 #マカ=アルバーン #玛嘉・亚尔邦 #噬魂师 #大镰 #2K #竖图 用户昵称4by4t3EUso分享了这个作品 热门标签 动漫头像pixiv动漫壁纸头像女p站二次元原神动漫美女古风头像二次元美女头像男中国风 评论 joshyjoshj 订阅 ...
在线看Soul x Maka [Soul Eater] - Black Sea [MEP part] 12秒。24 7月 2017的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 95 — 已浏览。 34 — 已评价。
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Tsugumi makes a cameo appearance in theSoul Eatermanga, when Death mentions how demon weapons were first created.[53] Tsugumi's design, especially in her Deathbucks uniform, closely resembles one of the first appearancesYoutook on as a childish maid in the Gaidan from Volume 1 of Ohkubo's ...