<tableid="exampleTable"><thead><tr><th>姓名</th><th>年龄</th><th>城市</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>张三</td><td>28</td><td>北京</td></tr><!-- 更多行数据... --></tbody></table> 调用sortTable函数:在JavaScript文件中,通过调用sortTable函数并传入表格ID来初始化排序功能。
前段时间一个项目有大量页面用到表格排序和表头浮动的效果,在网上找了几个表格排序的js代码,最后选择了 Stuart Langridge的SortTable,在SortTable基础上做了些扩展,加上了表头浮动效果及一些小功能。 一、SortTable说明 SortTable version 2 7th April 2007 Stuart Langridge, http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser...
英文原文:[url]http://kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ [/url] sorttable: Make all your tables sortable Now, how to use it. To make a table of your choice sortable, there are three steps: Download the ...
function sortCol(cId) { return function compareTRs(tr1, tr2) { var value1 = tr1.cells[cId].firstChild.nodeValue; var value2 = tr2.cells[cId].firstChild.nodeValue; return value1.localeCompare(value2); }; } function sortTable(tableId, cId) { var t = document.getElementById(tableId);...
SortableJS 功能强大的JavaScript 拖拽库 特性 兼容性好 支持触屏设备和大部分浏览器 简单 简单的API,方便使用 原生 基于原生HTML5中的拖放API CSS框架兼容性 支持所有的css框架,像Bootstrap 零依赖 不依赖Jquery等其他框架 SPA支持良好 支持多种框架(angular、vue、react等)...
let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Create a table with the used cells. let usedRange = selectedSheet.getUsedRange(); let newTable = selectedSheet.addTable(usedRange, true); // Sort the table using the first column. newTable.getSort().apply([{ key: 0, ascending: true...
A small & simple sorting component for tables written in JavaScript Quick start Download the ZIP of this repository or install via command line: npm i tablesort # Or if you're using Yarn yarn add tablesort <scriptsrc='tablesort.min.js'></script><!-- Include sort types you need --><...
A small & simple sorting component for tables written in JavaScript. Quick start Download the ZIP of this repository or install via command line: npm install tablesort # Or if you're using Yarn yarn add tablesort <scriptsrc='tablesort.min.js'></script><!-- Include sort types you need ...
c library algorithm avl-tree generic sort hashtable b-tree Updated Jun 3, 2024 C trivago / prettier-plugin-sort-imports Star 3.4k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A prettier plugin to sort imports in typescript and javascript files by the provided RegEx order. javascript plugin openso...
Make your data tables sortable with little to no changes needed to your table HTML. Sort on string columns, date columns, and numerical value columns.