<table border="1" cellpadding="10" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" id="MyHeadTab" cellspacing="0" onclick="sortColumn(event)"> 199 <thead> 200 <tr> 201 <td>String</td> 202 <td title="CaseInsensitiveString">String</td> ...
var itm = ts_getInnerText(table.rows[1].cells[column]); sortfn = ts_sort_caseinsensitive; if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d\d\d$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_date; if (itm.match(/^\d\d[\/-]\d\d[\/-]\d\d$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_date; if (itm.match(/^[?]/...
columnSorting.clearSort() Clear the sort performed on the table. destroy Source code columnSorting.destroy() Destroys the plugin instance. disablePlugin Source code columnSorting.disablePlugin() Disables the plugin functionality for this Handsontable instance. ...
PivotTablecolumnHierarchies数据透视表的列透视层级结构。 dataHierarchies数据透视表的数据透视层级结构。 delete()删除 PivotTable 对象。 filterHierarchies数据透视表的筛选器透视层级结构。 层次 结构数据透视表的透视层级结构。 布局PivotLayout,用于说明数据透视表的布局和可视化结构。
awaitExcel.run(async(context) => {letsheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");letexpensesTable = sheet.tables.getItem("ExpensesTable");// Queue a command to sort data by the fourth column of the table (descending).letsortRange = expensesTable.getDataBodyRange(); sortRange.sort...
("Sample");letexpensesTable = sheet.tables.getItem("ExpensesTable");// Queue a command to sort data by the fourth column of the table (descending).letsortRange = expensesTable.getDataBodyRange(); sortRange.sort.apply([ {key:3,ascending:false, }, ]);// Sync to run the queued command...
英文原文:[url]http://kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ [/url] sorttable: Make all your tables sortable Now, how to use it. To make a table of your choice sortable, there are three steps: Download the ...
Category:Javascript,Table|September 5, 2023 0 Comment A vanilla JS table sorter that allows you to sort data in an HTML table by clicking the header of a column. DemoDownload Minimal Table Sorter In JavaScript – table-sort.js Category:Javascript,Table|May 14, 2023 ...
varSORT_COLUMN_INDEX; functionsortables_init() { //Find all tables with class sortable and make them sortable if(!document.getElementsByTagName)return; tbls=document.getElementsByTagName("table"); for(ti=0;ti<tbls.length;ti++) { thisTbl=tbls[ti]; ...
The JavaScript Tree Grid allows users to sort rows either in the ascending or descending order against a column by simply clicking the header. Sort multiple column’s data by holding the Ctrl key and clicking the header. Sort multiple columns ...