Ulcers are most likely to form on the ball of your foot or the bottom of your big toe, so be sure to check your feet every night. (Ask a family member to help you if you can’t check on your own.) If you notice a problem, or you aren’t sure if something’s normal, call y...
An average adult has about ___ square feet of skin. See Answer What is the prognosis for oral herpes (cold sores)? Can they be cured? Currently, there is no cure or vaccine for the herpes simplex virus. Avoiding risk factors, such as sunburn and stress, can help prevent additional ...
Hi, I also have symptoms of leg sores, but they are mostly on outside of legs (calves and thighs) and a few on top of my feet only, and also on buttocks... recently I got a couple on each forearm.. they start as being just itchy... i scratch until they bleed or form a scab...
a virus might be the cause.Hand, foot, and mouth diseaseis a common (and very contagious) virus that affects babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. If your child has this illness, you’ll notice mouth ulcers, as well as similar spots that show up as blisters on your child’s hands andfee...
*Tea Bag (wet): Tannin from the tea is quite effective at soothing the pain, place a wet tea bag directly on lesion and leave for a few minutes. Always select a fresh bag for each treatment (do not reuse). *Aloe Vera: Dab gel harvested from a fresh Aloe leaf or squeeze pure aloe...
Rely on us for all your homecare needs. ANKLE BOOT PROTECTOR: The ProHeal foot protectors for bed sores are designed to suspend the patient's heel over an air cavity, creating zero heel pressure. Thereby serving as the ultimate pressure heel pillow for injured or immobil...
Caregiver Tips on Caring for Bed Sores First and foremost, relieve pressure on the affected area. Rotate the position your loved one is in at least every two hours. Use foam pads, lambswool, pillows or seat doughnuts to prop body parts in ways that distribute pressure differently. Use a sp...
Thin-furred rabbit hocks will tend to break down on any surface. Frequent checks of your rabbit's feet will help you learn whether or not it will need special care of its feet. Claws that grow too long will disrupt a rabbit's weight-bearing. Long claws can also snag themselves and get...
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Down-Under Wool is located in Niagara Falls, Canada, and wants to ensure that you receive the products best suited to your Pressure Sore Prevention needs. If you need advice about our products and their use for Pressure Sore Prevention and Treatment or would like to order our products on the...